- Categories:Inanimate, Comic Book
- Title "The Burning", Issue: 206, (C) 1972, D.C., Magic, Horror,
Mystery, Suspense
Adam Strat is an amnesiac who can't remember anything before waking
up dressed in ratty clothes in the house of Meg, an ugly and lonely
old witch. Meg claims she saved him from the fire in the fields the
men of the village started to burn straw. Adam hates Meg, even
though she protects him from superstitous villagers and uses her
powers to make him rich. He arranges for her capture and testifys
against her at her trial for witchcraft. As Meg is burned at the
stake, she tells Adam that he'll be as he was before she saved him.
And so, Adam finds himself in the burning field, in his original
form ... that of a scarecrow left to burn with the straw. Only now
there is no Meg to save him!
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2002-12-26, no edits, entryid=3956
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