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The Jersey episode Willa Jumps
  • Categories:Animal, Gender, Television Episode
  • Title "Willa Jumps ", Episode: 44. , (C) 2001, shown 2002, Body Thief, Magic, Possession, Comedy, Fantasy


gs: Sam Garnes (Himself)

Willa tries the jersey for size by exposing it to the whole school. But first she jumps into a football player, Amani Toomer (Himself.
Then she tries to sell rides to others at school and a male nerd winds up in the body of a little girl on a store rocking horse. After several unsatisfied customers mention a few hints at their jumps, Willa is transported by the Jersey into the body of a male dog headed to the veterinarian for shots. After biting the vet to escape, she vows to give up trying to use the Jersey for her own fame and fortune (and yet another person now knows about the Jersey to the annoyance of the others).
The main TG aspect occurs with the boy in the body of "Princess", and Willa as Toomer trying to tell everyone that he really is a high school girl posessing Toomer on national TV! ("Watch the hands!" she tells someone after he tackles her/Toomer...)

Willa tries the jersey for size by exposing it to the whole school. But first she jumps into a football player, Amani Toomer (Himself.
Then she tries to sell rides to others at school and a male nerd winds up in the body of a little girl on a store rocking horse. After several unsatisfied customers mention a few hints at their jumps, Willa is transported by the Jersey into the body of a male dog headed to the veterinarian for shots!!!! She even has a dog collar and fleas!
After biting the vet to escape, she returns to normalvows to give up trying to use the Jersey for her own fame and fortune (and yet another person now knows about the Jersey to the annoyance of the others).
This is the only human/animal possession in the series I can recall seeing.

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1 Comment: The Jersey, "Willa Jumps"
Started by guest (T Roy)
227 months

originally posted by c jones on 2003-02-09, 1 edit, entryid=3857