- Categories:Age, Television Episode
- Title "Ovulator", Episode: 5, (C) 2001, Episode, Comedy, Animated
The Ovulator, an evil chicken attepts to take over the world by
selling eggs and not letting cows give any meat, which they
apparently want to do. Villainy! Slab, the only one who can hold
his protein has to stop the Ovulator. He uses a cloud to rain on
the Ovulator, hypnotizing him. Slab tells the Ovulator to "rever to
his childhood" when he snaps his fingers. When Slab snaps his
fingers the Ovulator shrinks down and turns into an egg. I think
they then eat the egg, although it's a little sketchy.
originally posted by Hsu on 2003-02-17, no edits, entryid=3838
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