- Categories:Age, Television Episode
- Title "The Promised Planet", Episode: 78, (C) 1968, Slow Change,
Horror, Sci-Fi
The Jupiter 2 lands on a planet whose population appears to be
entirely teenagers, and whose activity seems to be one neverending
party. Their leader, Bartholomew, explains that they are in age
stasis: they are all physically stuck at their current age and need
someone (they have in mind Will) to give them his ability to age.
At the episode end, the Robinsons leave with Will safely with them.
It is then revealed that the aliens are not in age stasis -- they
are regressing at the same rate as humans age, and if they don't
find someone to give them the ability to grow older they will
regress to their origins and cease to exist.
originally posted by Cobe on 2003-02-18, no edits, entryid=3825
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