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Mega Babies episode Inner Ear Inferno
  • Categories:Size, Animal, Television Episode
  • Title "Inner Ear Inferno", (C) 2000, Canadian, Comedy, Sci-Fi
  • Title "Crustacean Frustration"


The premise of this short-lived Canadian cartoon was that three preemie babies got zapped by cosmic energy on the brink of the new millenium, infusing them with super powers; most of the cartoon, though, dealt with the messy and gross things about babies: runny noses, spitting up, and badly needed diaper changings.

In this adventure, Mega Baby Derek has an inner ear infection, so the other two Mega Babies are shrunk to the size of dust specks to go into his ear and clean it out. Of course they meet a number of microscopic villains along the way that they have to dispatch. (The series aired on what was then called Fox Family network the 2000-2001 season.)

There was an episode of Babies, where Nanny take them into seafood restaurant, and one of the babies have allergy to lobsters due what changes into giant lobster.

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1 Comment: Mega Babies, "Inner Ear Inferno"
Started by Inry*
229 months

originally posted by Cobe on 2003-04-08, 3 edits, entryid=3743