- Categories:Male, Television Episode
- (C) 1963, Episode, Body Swap, Sci-Fi, Suspense, On Video
From the description on the box:
A snowbound outpost isolated from the world-at-large where a
handful of people maintain constant alert against enemy attack ...
a crazed Army major haunted by the ice-encrusted ghost of a soldier
he left to die ... a machine that swaps minds between two bodies.
These are just some of the elements othat comprise this eerie,
psychological thriller. Hoping to lay bare Major Brother's (Harry
Guardino) twisted mental state, base psychiatrist (Gary Merrill)
wires him to his machine. But Brothers, intent on destroying his
"phantom" with a nuclear device, manages to escape ... into another
originally posted by anonymous on 2003-04-13, no edits, entryid=3727
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