- Categories:Gender, Television Episode
- Title "Courting Disaster", Episode: 7, (C) 2002, Comedy, Sci-Fi,
Animated, On Video, English Subtitled, English Dubbed, Body suits
Near the end of DVD 2 Mito's 15 year old son Aoi is captured by
Galactic Interpol agent Masatsuki posing as his older sister
Mutsuki (who looks about 15, but look's are deceptive in this
series). When turned over to evil Commander Ranban, who had always
been refered to as male and had a distinctive male voice, the
villain lost his bubble helmet in a brief scuffle only to stand
revealed as the spitting image of Mito's sexy exo-skeleton disguise
and speaking in her voice. Beats me what that means.
originally posted by Justin on 2003-04-15, no edits, entryid=3722
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