- Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
- Title "The Collection", Episode: 38, (C) 2003, Magic, Horror,
Jessica Simpson plays Miranda, a college student who is earning
extra money as a babysitter. Her charge is a young girl who acts
like her collection of dolls are real girls (one like chocolate,
one's afraid of the dark, one likes to watch Buffy, etc). When the
girl says her dolls have escaped, Miranda believes she's making up
stories ... until she sees them moving around herself. The dolls
try to chase Miranda out of the house. Miranda learns the horrible
truth: The dolls are the girl's previous sitters whom she has
turned to dolls to keep them from leaving her, and they were trying
to warn Miranda to get away from the girl before she did the same
to her. It ends with (big surprise) Miranda joining the doll
originally posted by Dale Ribbons on 2003-04-24, no edits, entryid=3703
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