The plot involves the Joker appearing in Gotham, even after the
original Batman had already killed him a long time ago. It turns
out that someone is transforming into the Joker and is committing
crimes in his name.
Click to show spoiler
Gur crefba jub vf genafsbezvat vagb gur Wbxre vf Gvz Qenxr (nyfb
xabja nf Ebova) nsgre gur Wbxre vafregrq uvf QAN vagb Gvz'f oenva.
Gurer vf na ba fperra zbecu bs Gvz gheavat vagb gur Wbxre. Gur
genafsbezngvba yrnirf gur ivpgvz jvgubhg nal zrzbel bs rire
genafsbezvat be rira qbvat nalguvat juvyr genafsbezrq.
originally posted by guest on 2006-08-13, 1 edit, entryid=350
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