- Categories:Female, Race, Movie, Adult Movie
Rated R, (C) 1995, On Video, Cast: (Weed) Stephen Baldwin, (Amelia
A) Bai Ling, (Amelia B) Afifi Alaouie, (Amelia C) Blair Walk,
(Amelia D) Jennifer MacDonald, (Amelia E) Barbara Alyn Woods
Because of a DNA-altering illness, an alien female vacationing on
earth changes her constantly changing appearance. Amelia initially
appears Asian, but then becomes a lithe black woman, a brunette
Frenchwoman, a blonde, and then a redheaded Southern gal. And all
of them have sex with Stephen Baldwin. (In other words, this was an awful B-movie submitted mostly for
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Dave on 2003-07-31, 1 edit, entryid=3449
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