- Categories:Gender, Male, Television Episode
- Season 5, episode 2, aired Oct 8 2003
A necromancer performs a ritual on a dead young woman and a male
demon, channeling the demon into the woman's body, allowing the
male demon to use a human body.
Later he tries the same trick with the ghostly spirit of Spike,
putting him into Angel's body. However, Spike refuses moving into
Angel's body and instead takes over the necromancer's body which
Angel then kills.
It features a necromancer who is sells dead bodies to immaterial
spirits and various demons. He's shown installing the male demon
into the female body. The male demon mentions that the girl wasn't
his first choice, but in the end he "decided to go with something
originally posted by The Gambler on 2003-10-09, 3 edits, entryid=3344
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