- Categories:Female, Comic Book
Background: B - shock is a screwball romance comedy, where two
students are forced to be together due to having explosives
attached to their wrists.
Click to show spoiler
Va puncgref 21 - 24, gurl ner sbeprq gb gnxr pner bs puvyqera. Vg
qbrfa'g frrz yvxr n ovg qrny, rkprcg sbe gur snpg gung bar bs gur
puvyqera vf npghnyyl na vaivfvoyr tubfg. Fur gnxrf gur yvoregl bs
cbffrfvat gur srznyr znva punenpgre naq nggrzcgf gb frqhpr gur znyr
yrnq punenpgre vagb ybivat ure naq yrggvat ure xrrc gur obql.
Super Important Note: This manga can be freely downloaded at
StopTazmo. HOWEVER! Use Firefox please! The website has lots of
malicious spyware from advertisement companies in order to post up
all the manga pages for free. IExplorer will probably crash and
you're computer will be deeply infected. However, using Firefox
will nullify this. Thanks and enjoy!
originally posted by guest (asiangeekboy) on 2006-08-24, no edits, entryid=332
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