- Categories:Gender, Comic Book
- Title: "Winter Kills: Part Five: The End Of The Affair"
- Cover Date: February 2004
- (c) DC Comics / Wildstorm
- Gen 13, Vol. 3
- Gen 13 aka GEN13
FBI agent Gaby Sabian is again in female form at the end of the
issue for two panels. But the twist is, we learn Gaby was a woman
all along!! Previous entries when a male Gaby tranformed into
Caitlin are technically F-to-F! We learn that the male Gaby Sabian
form we first saw in Gen 13 Issue #9 and then in subbsequent issues
was only her "cover" but not her "default form."
originally posted by Dave on 2003-12-24, 3 edits, entryid=3171
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