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Carrie Vaughn book Kitty and the Midnight HOur
  • Categories:Animal, Book


I haven't seen anyone mention the recent Carrie Vaughn novels here, so I'm giving my impressions.

I picked up _Kitty and the Midnight Hour_ on impulse at Conglomeration. It was obviously a first novel, rough around the edges, but had considerable charm.

The idea is that Kitty (yes, a werewolf named Kitty, something mentioned as a bit of a running gag by characters in the stories), who is a night shift DJ, gets inspiration from one of her callers and starts talking about supernatural creatures as if they were real. And quickly creates a cult hit, not just talking about monsters but actually offering advice and listening to tales from callers who claim to be werewolves, vampires and witches. Never actually coming out and mentioning that she's a real werewolf until several weeks later, when she has to talk a monster hunter hired to kill her on the air out of doing his job.

I had seen there was a sequel - _Kitty Goes to Washington_ - but didn't buy it at that time, something I regretted after finishing the first book in the series.

I checked online, and most reviewers liked _Midnight Hour_ but not _Washington_, so I wasn't in a hurry to buy it. I finally picked it up at LACon IV (again from cousin Larry :-^) and read it during the con. I actually liked it better than the first book. It had more of the stuff I enjoyed from the first book and had Kitty as a more developed character. Vaughn's writing has also improved.

In the second book, Kitty is supoened (SP?) to appear before a Congressional advisory panel investigating reports that vampires, werewolves and such are real. Besides the governmental power play this investigation is being used to support, there's also a medical researcher trying to get further funding for studying these "diseases," a sensationalistic TV show host trying to interview Kitty and use her to promote his work, and then there's the local vampire master of the city, who is trying to "protect" Kitty from the disorderly shapeshifters in the area. That's quite the mess our little Kittywolf has gotten herself into. :-)

There is a third book coming out. I'm looking forward to it.


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1 Review: Carrie Vaughn book Kitty and the Midnight HOur
Started by guest (Lsmfx)
214 months

originally posted by guest (Stickmaker) on 2006-09-02, no edits, entryid=307