- Categories:Gender, Female, Commercial
- Produced by Platige Image
A commercial by Platige IMage for Dannon/Danio (Polish?) showcases
people, after eating a spoonful of Danio yogurt, changing from one
person to another.
I won't show the entire
sequence, just enough to
illustrate how they've taken
care of details, like with
the hair. |
Here, the face morphs
first, while the hair
stays the same. |
Now we've completely
morphed into the second
yogourt connoisseur, a
young blonde woman with
hair pulled into a bun.
Now we're becoming another
woman, but the blonde hair
is still pulled into a bun. |
Now the hair is changing,
becoming wavier and darker,
and we see it actually
flopping down as the bun
(not visible, at the back)
seems to burst open. |
And now the hair flops
down to the shoulders
of this woman, the third
form that this changing
yogourt-lover takes.
A later transformation in step by step.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by SoreThumb on 2004-03-06, 1 edit, entryid=2937
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