Based on the Halo video game, this is among the funniest web video
comics out there. The red and blue teams must fight it out for
domination of the Blood Gulch in the middle of nowhere.
(Small Spoiler)
Transformations include Mechanical, Posession, and Gender.
(Large Spoiler)
Mech transformation has one soldier transformed into a cyborg
against his will.
Posession has various soldiers who died come back in ghost form and
posess the bodies of other soldiers, as well as a spanish male
robot soldier. :)
There is also an Artificial intelligence unit that jumps from
soldier to soldier and makes them act differently, screwing with
their personalities.
Gender transformation includes a female soldier posessing a male
robot, a female soldier using voice software to sound male, and a
very funny sketch inside the mind of a blue soldier, where his
'version' of the red soldier in the pink armour (male), is of a
very feminine woman. Very funny!
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2004-06-04, no edits, entryid=2650
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