- Categories:Age, Television Episode
Ferdinand is on his way to the school when suddenly a unbelievable
thing happens, a meteorite absorbs him and finds himself on the
planet of the flowers. Making him late for school, of course.
However, from the planet of the flowers, Ferdinand has brought two
flowers. He finds that if he smells one, he becomes adult, looking
precisely like his father, Mr. Trenkel, the administrator of the
"Institute to perfecting of the mankind". The other flower lets him
Spoiler: At the end of the 11 series (also available in 6 parts), Professor
Langmeier becomes a child. Ferdinand changes himself into his
father and adopts the youthful professor.
Unfortunatly I haven't found any Link in English about the above.
originally posted by Michael Binary on 2005-01-06, no edits, entryid=2054
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