- Categories:Misc, Television Episode
The thilling second part of the two part ending of the season of
Venture Brothers. The Monarch is getting married to Dr. Girlfriend, but not if
Phantom Limb as anything to say about it. With special guest star
David Bowie, whom turns out is Dr. Girlfriend's father. It all ends
with an epic showdown between the Monarch's forces and Phantom
Limb's army.
Click to show spoiler
Qnivq Objvr gheaf bhg gb or gur yrnqre bs gur thvyq naq ur unf n
fcrpvny cbjre, ur pna genafsbez vagb nalguvat ur jnagf.Ur hfrf uvf cbjre gb svtug ntnvafg Cungbz Yvzo, gur cynar gung gurl
ner svtugvat va penfurf riraghnyyl. Gur Zbanepu ehfuf bire gb jub
ur guvaxf vf Qe. Tveysevraq, ohg vg gheaf bhg gung vf jnf Qnivq
Objvr sbe n pbzrqvp zbzrag.Qnivq Objvr'f sbezf vapyhqr n pvtrerggr, Qe. Tveysevraq, Oebpx
Fnzcfba, na rntyr naq frireny bguref.
originally posted by KitsuneKit on 2006-10-17, no edits, entryid=203
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