- Categories:Mythical, Computer Game
After entering your name and gender, you're called upon the village
elder. You learn that you were found at the gates of Ryuen as a
child, crying and clinging to a dragon egg. It turns out that the
dragon has hatched into a white dragoness who can speak the human
language. The elder asks you to go and find Amurita, the one who
found you years ago, and your adventure begins.
Click to show spoiler
Bire gur pbhefr bs gur tnzr, lbh yrnea nobhg gur jbeyq lbh'er va,
Fnafnen, naq ubj yvsr pbagvabhfyl ervapneangrf va vg. Nf lbhe
nqiragher pbagvahrf, lbhe qentbarff tvirf ovegu gb qentba gjvaf. Ng
gur raq bs gur tnzr, nsgre lbh qrsrng gur svany obff... Jung
nccrnef gb or "lbh" jnxrf hc va Elhra ntnva, nccneragyl gubfr jrer
zrzbevrf bs "lbhe" cerivbhf yvsr. Vg gheaf bhg gung gur qentbarff
ervapneangrf nf lbh, bar bs gur gjvaf ervapneangrf nf jbzna va gur
ivyyntr, naq lbh svaq bhg nf gur qentbarff ungpurf... gung lbh
ervapneangr nf ure!
originally posted by guest on 2006-10-26, no edits, entryid=176
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