A humourous fantasy novel about a lowly goblin who gets captured by
a group of adventurers and is forced to share their adventure with
them. At the end of the book
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ur hfrf gur Ebq bs Perngvba(gur bowrpg gung gur nqiragheref unq
pbzr frrxvat) gb ghea 3/4 bs gur cnegl vagb navznyf, nf gurl jrer
tbvat gb xvyy uvz(orvat jung nqiragheref qb gb tboyvaf). Gur yrnqre
naq gur jvmneq zrzoref bs gur cnegl jrer ghearq vagb ynetr
ghan(irel qvfgnag sebz nal jngre), naq gur qjnes jnf ghearq vagb n
oveq(n engure htyl bar, nf orvat n tboyva jub unq yvirq uvf jubyr
yvsr haqretebhaq, ur unqa'g ernyyl frra oveqf hc pybfr). Gur sbhegu
zrzore bs gur cnegl jnf ghearq vagb n uhznabvq qentba bs fbegf.
originally posted by Random on 2006-12-16, no edits, entryid=12
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