- Categories:Gender, Adult Movie
Description: The grim reaper offers a desperate man six chances to find true
love and the opportunity to pose as anyone he wishes in his quest
for happiness. First he plays the romantic lead, then switches tack
and opts for a hardcore anal approach in an impromptu stairwell
shag. As a helpless boy, a dominatrix attempts to whip him into
shape. Next he chooses to play the millionaire, but soon realises
that money can't buy you love. As a cavalier, he DP's her ladyship,
before transforming himself into a hot young babe for a spot of
ultra-violet clam-slamming. Nothing impresses the reaper, until at
deaths door, a familiar face walks in.
My comment: Click to show spoiler
Vg erzvaqf zr bs "Orqnmmyrq". Arireguryrff, V jnf ernyyl
qvfnccbvagrq ol guvf zbivr. Gur Z2S fprar vf whfg n fvzcyr phg (n
xvaq bs pebffsnqvat)...naq gur thl vf abj n jbzna va n yrfovna
fprar. Qvssvphyg gb svaq bhg juvpu tvey vf abj gur sbezre thl. Ab
qvnybt va guvf fprar!! Whfg srznyr zbnavat :)
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Michael Binary on 2005-11-21, 3 edits, entryid=1106
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