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Timon and Pumba episode Be More Pacific
  • Categories:Misc, Television Episode


In theis episode Pumba finds a beratone whale washed on shore of a beach. He helps the whale back into the water and the whale then reveals that he is magical and will grant him three wishes. Pumba doesn't want anything so he doesn't wish for anything.
Timon hears of this and tells Pumba to go back and wish for something big and expensive. They get the statue of Liberty
They decide that they need to be more specific when they make the next wish so Timon wishes to be a King. It works Timon is a King...Kong. Timon has grown to a giant size (100+ feet) and is constantly bothered by airplanes trying to shoot at him.
So Pumba goes back and makes a very precise wish of "Timon to be ruler of a country with a castle, security system, throne, crown, treasure, and a fire breathing creature that can't be destoryed" The whale then states that the final wish has been granted and turns into a hot chick with a beratone voice.
Unfortunatly, for Timon and Pumba the fire breathing creature (a giant chicken) turns on them and they get trapped with no more wishes to save them.
Cute episode.

originally posted by KitsuneKit on 2005-12-01, no edits, entryid=1085