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Author: guest(Anon)
Created: 2024-04-19 12:19:55
=Chompy & the Girls=
Categories: <category>Gender Transformation, Female Transformation, Movie</category>

Indie film from 2021 where a creature with a giant mouth eats little girls... but is all what it appears to be?

<spoiler>It turns out the little girl the group come into contact with is infected with an alien parasite, causing everyone she comes into contact to transform into a copy of her. 'Chompy' is hunting these little girls to turn them back. The older male character starts to get transformed and ends up with a child leg, and an older woman gets a child hand (from the ending it appears both become fully transformed off screen but you only see the revert on the older man).

Later in the film the parasite infects an adult woman and clones turn into her.

At the end the mouth creature (chompy) turns all the other adults back to their original selves.</spoiler>
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Chompy & the Girls

Categories:Gender Transformation, Female Transformation, Movie


Indie film from 2021 where a creature with a giant mouth eats little girls... but is all what it appears to be?

Click to show spoiler
Vg gheaf bhg gur yvggyr tvey gur tebhc pbzr vagb pbagnpg jvgu vf vasrpgrq jvgu na nyvra cnenfvgr, pnhfvat rirelbar fur pbzrf vagb pbagnpg gb genafsbez vagb n pbcl bs ure. Pubzcl vf uhagvat gurfr yvggyr tveyf gb ghea gurz onpx. Gur byqre znyr punenpgre fgnegf gb trg genafsbezrq naq raqf hc jvgu n puvyq yrt, naq na byqre jbzna trgf n puvyq unaq (sebz gur raqvat vg nccrnef obgu orpbzr shyyl genafsbezrq bss fperra ohg lbh bayl frr gur erireg ba gur byqre zna).Yngre va gur svyz gur cnenfvgr vasrpgf na nqhyg jbzna naq pybarf ghea vagb ure.Ng gur raq gur zbhgu perngher (pubzcl) gheaf nyy gur bgure nqhygf onpx gb gurve bevtvany fryirf.