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Author: guest(Mr Matt)
Created: 2023-07-07 23:14:09
=Going Primal=
Categories: Male, Furry, Transformation

Man goes primal. First draft of a longer tale I'm working on.
Initially generated from Chat GPT

Chapter 1: The Awakening
The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Jeff's face as he woke up. Stretching his arms, he reached for his razor, ready to tackle the thick growth that had sprouted on his face overnight. But as the blade touched his cheek, he felt an unusual resistance. Startled, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and gasped.

Not only had his beard grown inexplicably, but his eyebrows, too, had become darker and thicker. It was as if the transformation had extended beyond his face, spreading to every inch of his body. Jeff's chest, shoulders, arms, and even the back of his hands were now adorned with a dense layer of hair.

Though taken aback by this drastic change, Jeff instinctively knew how to conceal it from others. He became a master of disguise, meticulously grooming and styling his hair to maintain the appearance of a clean-cut gentleman. Behind closed doors, however, he grappled with the growing primal urges that surged within him.

This newfound ability to hide his transformation became an integral part of his race against time. Jeff understood that the more he let the world see his growing hair, the closer he would be to losing his civilized self. It became a delicate balance, a tightrope walk between maintaining his façade and embracing the primal nature that stirred within him.

As he delved deeper into this enigmatic journey, Jeff felt the weight of time pressing upon him. He knew that each passing day brought him closer to the point of no return, where the transformation would be irreversible. With a sense of urgency, he became driven to find his true place, to leave his civilized life behind and discover a home that would accept and embrace his primal existence.

Thus, the race against time became twofold—an inner struggle to maintain his humanity while the wildness grew, and an outward quest to find the sanctuary where he could finally shed the mask he wore for the world. The urgency in his heart propelled him forward, fueling his determination to find his rightful place before his ability to think and communicate faded away.

With each passing moment, Jeff's connection to the primal world grew stronger, pulling him further away from the trappings of civilization. The clock ticked, and he knew the time would come when he could no longer hide the untamed wilderness that consumed him from within.

Chapter 2: The Primal Urge

As Jeff's beard and body hair continued to grow, he found himself captivated by the untamed wildness that had taken hold of him. The boundaries between his beard and his hairy chest blurred, creating a seamless transition from one to the other. It was as if his body had become an interconnected canvas, a tapestry of primal masculinity.

Each time he looked down and saw the demarcation between his beard and his chest, a surge of exhilaration coursed through him. The sight stirred something deep within, awakening an unquenchable desire for more. Jeff reveled in the sensation, relishing the connection between his face and his hairy chest, a physical manifestation of his primal essence.

He loved how the thick hair covered his chest, creating a shield of wildness that seemed to pulsate with vitality. It felt as though his very essence had merged with the untamed spirit of the wilderness, intertwining his identity with the natural world around him. The more his body hair grew, the more he craved its continuation, never wanting the transformation to cease.

Despite the increasing difficulty of concealing his transformation, Jeff found a strange sense of liberation in the gradual unveiling of his primal self. The primal urge burned within him, urging him to shed the constraints of societal expectations and embrace the raw power that surged through his veins.

While the world remained oblivious to his metamorphosis, Jeff basked in the hidden delight of his increasingly primal nature. He had become a creature of duality, navigating the fine line between his civilized facade and the unyielding wilderness that thrived beneath the surface.

With each passing day, Jeff's love for his transformation grew stronger. He reveled in the fusion of his beard and hairy chest, a testament to his deep connection with his primal essence. It was an unspoken language, a secret understanding that only he could comprehend—a source of power and fulfillment that he never wanted to relinquish.

The journey ahead held both uncertainty and excitement, as Jeff's primal instincts continued to drive him forward. The sight of his beard melding seamlessly with his hairy chest became a symbol of his true self, a testament to his undeniable place in the untamed world he was destined to embrace.

Chapter 3: The Waning Intellect

As his beard and body hair grew thicker, Jeff's ability to think and reason began to decline. Thoughts slipped away like grains of sand through his fingers, leaving him grasping at fragments of fleeting ideas. He struggled to hold conversations, his words becoming disjointed and jumbled.

Frustration tugged at his heart as he witnessed his intellect slipping away, but a part of him welcomed the descent into primal simplicity. The world around him became sharper, more vivid, and he reveled in the primal instincts that coursed through his veins.

Chapter 4: The Race Against Time

Realizing that time was running out, Jeff embarked on a desperate quest to find his true home. He yearned to embrace his primal nature fully before his ability to think and communicate vanished forever. With a single-minded determination, he left behind his former life, his ties to civilization growing fainter with each step.

Guided by an instinctual compass, he made his way to a distant swamp—a place that called to him like a siren song. The mud squelched beneath his feet as he navigated the murky waters, drawing closer to his final destination.

Chapter 5: Embracing the Wilderness

In the heart of the swamp, Jeff found solace. He had become a true primal man, unburdened by the complexities of modern existence. With his beard and body hair growing uncontrollably, he reveled in his newfound freedom.

He spent his days immersed in the dense foliage, listening to the chorus of nature. The thick mud and clay became his sanctuary, the mire embracing him like a long-lost lover. He relished the sensation of sinking deeper into the earth, feeling the primitive connection between himself and the land.

As he continued his exploration of the swamp, Jeff stumbled upon a thicket of towering cypress trees. Nestled among the gnarled roots, he discovered a deep, thick clay pit. It called to him, a perfect haven where he could fully immerse himself in the primal essence that had become his existence.

With a sense of anticipation, Jeff lowered himself into the pit, feeling the cool, silky clay envelop his body. He sank up to his neck, the weight of the clay pressing against him, comforting and secure. His beard lay atop the clay, burying his face, creating a mask of earthy bliss.

In this embrace of the swamp, Jeff found solace and contentment. He understood that this clay pit was not a prison but a sanctuary—a place where he could lose himself in the depths of his primal being. Time ceased to have meaning as he surrendered to the rhythms of nature, the ebb and flow of life around him.

Hours turned into days, and Jeff felt a profound sense of peace. He knew that if and when he chose to emerge from the clay pit, he could. The swamp had taught him that he would never be harmed or drowned, for it had become an extension of his very being. The choice to emerge would always be his, a testament to his connection with the primal world.

And so, Jeff embraced his existence, buried in the clay, his senses attuned to the whispers of the swamp. He had found his true home, a place where he could be at one with his primal nature, free from the constraints of a civilized life. In this primal state, he discovered a tranquility that eluded him in the bustling world he had left behind.

Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Going Primal

Categories: Male, Furry, Transformation


Man goes primal. First draft of a longer tale Im working on.
Initially generated from Chat GPT

Chapter 1: The Awakening
The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Jeffs face as he woke up. Stretching his arms, he reached for his razor, ready to tackle the thick growth that had sprouted on his face overnight. But as the blade touched his cheek, he felt an unusual resistance. Startled, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and gasped.

Not only had his beard grown inexplicably, but his eyebrows, too, had become darker and thicker. It was as if the transformation had extended beyond his face, spreading to every inch of his body. Jeffs chest, shoulders, arms, and even the back of his hands were now adorned with a dense layer of hair.

Though taken aback by this drastic change, Jeff instinctively knew how to conceal it from others. He became a master of disguise, meticulously grooming and styling his hair to maintain the appearance of a clean-cut gentleman. Behind closed doors, however, he grappled with the growing primal urges that surged within him.

This newfound ability to hide his transformation became an integral part of his race against time. Jeff understood that the more he let the world see his growing hair, the closer he would be to losing his civilized self. It became a delicate balance, a tightrope walk between maintaining his façade and embracing the primal nature that stirred within him.

As he delved deeper into this enigmatic journey, Jeff felt the weight of time pressing upon him. He knew that each passing day brought him closer to the point of no return, where the transformation would be irreversible. With a sense of urgency, he became driven to find his true place, to leave his civilized life behind and discover a home that would accept and embrace his primal existence.

Thus, the race against time became twofold—an inner struggle to maintain his humanity while the wildness grew, and an outward quest to find the sanctuary where he could finally shed the mask he wore for the world. The urgency in his heart propelled him forward, fueling his determination to find his rightful place before his ability to think and communicate faded away.

With each passing moment, Jeffs connection to the primal world grew stronger, pulling him further away from the trappings of civilization. The clock ticked, and he knew the time would come when he could no longer hide the untamed wilderness that consumed him from within.

Chapter 2: The Primal Urge

As Jeffs beard and body hair continued to grow, he found himself captivated by the untamed wildness that had taken hold of him. The boundaries between his beard and his hairy chest blurred, creating a seamless transition from one to the other. It was as if his body had become an interconnected canvas, a tapestry of primal masculinity.

Each time he looked down and saw the demarcation between his beard and his chest, a surge of exhilaration coursed through him. The sight stirred something deep within, awakening an unquenchable desire for more. Jeff reveled in the sensation, relishing the connection between his face and his hairy chest, a physical manifestation of his primal essence.

He loved how the thick hair covered his chest, creating a shield of wildness that seemed to pulsate with vitality. It felt as though his very essence had merged with the untamed spirit of the wilderness, intertwining his identity with the natural world around him. The more his body hair grew, the more he craved its continuation, never wanting the transformation to cease.

Despite the increasing difficulty of concealing his transformation, Jeff found a strange sense of liberation in the gradual unveiling of his primal self. The primal urge burned within him, urging him to shed the constraints of societal expectations and embrace the raw power that surged through his veins.

While the world remained oblivious to his metamorphosis, Jeff basked in the hidden delight of his increasingly primal nature. He had become a creature of duality, navigating the fine line between his civilized facade and the unyielding wilderness that thrived beneath the surface.

With each passing day, Jeffs love for his transformation grew stronger. He reveled in the fusion of his beard and hairy chest, a testament to his deep connection with his primal essence. It was an unspoken language, a secret understanding that only he could comprehend—a source of power and fulfillment that he never wanted to relinquish.

The journey ahead held both uncertainty and excitement, as Jeffs primal instincts continued to drive him forward. The sight of his beard melding seamlessly with his hairy chest became a symbol of his true self, a testament to his undeniable place in the untamed world he was destined to embrace.

Chapter 3: The Waning Intellect

As his beard and body hair grew thicker, Jeffs ability to think and reason began to decline. Thoughts slipped away like grains of sand through his fingers, leaving him grasping at fragments of fleeting ideas. He struggled to hold conversations, his words becoming disjointed and jumbled.

Frustration tugged at his heart as he witnessed his intellect slipping away, but a part of him welcomed the descent into primal simplicity. The world around him became sharper, more vivid, and he reveled in the primal instincts that coursed through his veins.

Chapter 4: The Race Against Time

Realizing that time was running out, Jeff embarked on a desperate quest to find his true home. He yearned to embrace his primal nature fully before his ability to think and communicate vanished forever. With a single-minded determination, he left behind his former life, his ties to civilization growing fainter with each step.

Guided by an instinctual compass, he made his way to a distant swamp—a place that called to him like a siren song. The mud squelched beneath his feet as he navigated the murky waters, drawing closer to his final destination.

Chapter 5: Embracing the Wilderness

In the heart of the swamp, Jeff found solace. He had become a true primal man, unburdened by the complexities of modern existence. With his beard and body hair growing uncontrollably, he reveled in his newfound freedom.

He spent his days immersed in the dense foliage, listening to the chorus of nature. The thick mud and clay became his sanctuary, the mire embracing him like a long-lost lover. He relished the sensation of sinking deeper into the earth, feeling the primitive connection between himself and the land.

As he continued his exploration of the swamp, Jeff stumbled upon a thicket of towering cypress trees. Nestled among the gnarled roots, he discovered a deep, thick clay pit. It called to him, a perfect haven where he could fully immerse himself in the primal essence that had become his existence.

With a sense of anticipation, Jeff lowered himself into the pit, feeling the cool, silky clay envelop his body. He sank up to his neck, the weight of the clay pressing against him, comforting and secure. His beard lay atop the clay, burying his face, creating a mask of earthy bliss.

In this embrace of the swamp, Jeff found solace and contentment. He understood that this clay pit was not a prison but a sanctuary—a place where he could lose himself in the depths of his primal being. Time ceased to have meaning as he surrendered to the rhythms of nature, the ebb and flow of life around him.

Hours turned into days, and Jeff felt a profound sense of peace. He knew that if and when he chose to emerge from the clay pit, he could. The swamp had taught him that he would never be harmed or drowned, for it had become an extension of his very being. The choice to emerge would always be his, a testament to his connection with the primal world.

And so, Jeff embraced his existence, buried in the clay, his senses attuned to the whispers of the swamp. He had found his true home, a place where he could be at one with his primal nature, free from the constraints of a civilized life. In this primal state, he discovered a tranquility that eluded him in the bustling world he had left behind.