Author: | guest(kris r) |
Created: | 2023-07-03 16:46:41 |
Helluva Boss - Youtube series
Helluva Boss is an animated Youtube series created by Vivienne Veranda aka Vizzie Pop of Spindle Horse Productions. The series follows a group of Imps: Blitz, the CEO/Founder of an assassination for hire service in Hell called IMP (Immediate Murder Professionals) and his employees: Weapon Specialist Moxxie, his wife and power house, Millie, and receptionist Hellhoud, Loona (Blitz's Adopted Daughter). IMP is able to access the living world of Earth to carry out the assassinations by using a grimoire Blitz borrows from Lord Stolas, a powerful member of the Goetian family.
A human teacher, Mrs. Mayberry is seen in her demonic form in Murder Family (season 1 episode 2). She hires Blitz and his crew to assassinate the woman who caused her to kill Mr. Mayberry and then kill herself. Turns out the woman is part of an evil family with two evil children and the imps are forced to flee after Moxxie refuses to shoot them. He eventually kills the evil woman and calls the cops to take out the kids and their dad.
Loona adopts a human disguise in Spring Break Up (Season 1 Episode 3).
Verosika Mayday, the former girlfriend of Blitz and a succubus popstar, adopts her human disguise along with her team of succubae/incubi and her Hellhoud bodyguard, Vortex to travel to the human world to participate in Blitz's challenge. Blitz and his team win the challenge after Millie defeats an evil fish monster created by Verosika's Beelzujuice, a demonic beverage from the Gluttony ring that Verosika enjoys drinking.
Stolas adopts a human form to help IMP track down his missing daughter Octavia in Seeing Stars (Season 2 episode 3). Loona also appears in her human form in Truth Tellers (season 1 episode 7) to save Blitz and Moxxie from a group of demon hunters called DHORKS and again to track Octavia using her social media feeds on Sinstagram (a demonic parody of Instagram).
Blitz is mistaken in Seeing Stars as actor Brandon Ragers (a parody of Blitz's Voice actor Brandon Rogers, who works on the show as a writer with Richard Horvitz, Moxxie's Voice actor).
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Helluva Boss - Youtube series
Helluva Boss is an animated Youtube series created by Vivienne
Veranda aka Vizzie Pop of Spindle Horse Productions. The series
follows a group of Imps: Blitz, the CEO/Founder of an assassination
for hire service in Hell called IMP (Immediate Murder
Professionals) and his employees: Weapon Specialist Moxxie, his
wife and power house, Millie, and receptionist Hellhoud, Loona
(Blitzs Adopted Daughter). IMP is able to access the living world
of Earth to carry out the assassinations by using a grimoire Blitz
borrows from Lord Stolas, a powerful member of the Goetian family.
A human teacher, Mrs. Mayberry is seen in her demonic form in
Murder Family (season 1 episode 2). She hires Blitz and his crew to
assassinate the woman who caused her to kill Mr. Mayberry and then
kill herself. Turns out the woman is part of an evil family with
two evil children and the imps are forced to flee after Moxxie
refuses to shoot them. He eventually kills the evil woman and calls
the cops to take out the kids and their dad.
Loona adopts a human disguise in Spring Break Up (Season 1 Episode
Verosika Mayday, the former girlfriend of Blitz and a succubus
popstar, adopts her human disguise along with her team of
succubae/incubi and her Hellhoud bodyguard, Vortex to travel to the
human world to participate in Blitzs challenge. Blitz and his team
win the challenge after Millie defeats an evil fish monster created
by Verosikas Beelzujuice, a demonic beverage from the Gluttony ring
that Verosika enjoys drinking.
Stolas adopts a human form to help IMP track down his missing
daughter Octavia in Seeing Stars (Season 2 episode 3). Loona also
appears in her human form in Truth Tellers (season 1 episode 7) to
save Blitz and Moxxie from a group of demon hunters called DHORKS
and again to track Octavia using her social media feeds on
Sinstagram (a demonic parody of Instagram).
Blitz is mistaken in Seeing Stars as actor Brandon Ragers (a parody
of Blitzs Voice actor Brandon Rogers, who works on the show as a
writer with Richard Horvitz, Moxxies Voice actor).
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