The Good Place, Janet(s)
Gender, Female | |
Team Cockroach enter Janet's void. Unfortunately, the humans' (Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason) bodies dematerialize and reform in the form of Janet's body, giving D'Arcy Carden a chance to showcase her acting abilities! At one point, Eleanor-Janet pretends to be Jason-Janet in order to talk to C ...more |
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Author: | guest |
Created: | 2023-02-04 17:27:31 |
=The Good Place, Janet(s)=
Categories: <category>Age, Female, Gender, Race, Television Episode</category>
Team Cockroach enter Janet's void. Unfortunately, the humans' (Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason) bodies dematerialize and reform in the form of Janet's body, giving D'Arcy Carden a chance to showcase her acting abilities! At one point, Eleanor-Janet pretends to be Jason-Janet in order to talk to Chidi-Janet. Around the end of Act Two, Eleanor begins having an identity crisis and begins uncontrollably shapeshifting into different forms, male and female, young and old.
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Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text, | |
The Good Place, Janet(s)
Categories:Age, Female, Gender, Race, Television Episode
Team Cockroach enter Janets void. Unfortunately, the humans
(Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason) bodies dematerialize and reform
in the form of Janets body, giving DArcy Carden a chance to
showcase her acting abilities! At one point, Eleanor-Janet pretends
to be Jason-Janet in order to talk to Chidi-Janet. Around the end
of Act Two, Eleanor begins having an identity crisis and begins
uncontrollably shapeshifting into different forms, male and female,
young and old.
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