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Change History for Star Trek: Voyager episode Warlord
"The Warlord" episode of Star Trek: Voyager
As the Doctor and Kes treat three injured aliens whose ship was detected adrift in space, one of them- an egomaniac political extremist named Tieran dies but not before he transfers his own mind into the body of Kes by controlling her and accessing her own Ocampan powers. Then Kes/Tieran launches a ...more
Author: Sara
Created: 2023-01-07 23:57:27
=Star Trek: Voyager episode Warlord=
*Categories: <category>Gender, Television Episode</category>
*First Aired: November 20, 1996
*Season 3
*Episode 10

*Series: <a entryid=7503 rel=series rev=episode prep="episode of" note="Gender">Star Trek: Voyager</a>

As the Doctor and Kes treat three injured aliens whose ship was detected adrift in space, one of them- an egomaniac political extremist named Tieran dies but not before he transfers his own mind imprinto the body of Kes by controlling her and accessing her own Ocampan powers. Then Kes/Tieran launches a shuttle craft and makes a coup attempt on his home planet of Ilari.
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Star Trek: Voyager episode Warlord

  • Categories:Gender, Television Episode
  • First Aired: November 20, 1996
  • Season 3
  • Episode 10
  • Series: Star Trek: Voyager


As the Doctor and Kes treat three injured aliens whose ship was detected adrift in space, one of them- an egomaniac political extremist named Tieran dies but not before he transfers his own mind into the body of Kes by controlling her and accessing her own Ocampan powers. Then Kes/Tieran launches a shuttle craft and makes a coup attempt on his home planet of Ilari.