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Change History for Marvel's Avengers Assemble episode Head to Head
Marvel's Avengers Assemble episode Head to Head
Gender, Male
MODOK takes S.H.I.E.L.D. hostage with a mind-controlling stone called the Mind Stone. When trying to destroy the Avengers he causes them to switch bodies. Hulk ends up in Falcon's body, Falcon ends up in Captain America's body, Cap ends up in Iron Man's body, Iron Man ends up in Hawkeye's body, Ha ...more
Author: Sara
Created: 2022-09-04 23:22:19
=Marvel's Avengers Assemble episode Head to Head"=
*Categories: <category>Male, Gender, Television Episode</category>
*Categories: <category>Age, Television Episode</category>
*First Aired: January 25, 2015
*Season 2
*Episode 8

MODOK takes S.H.I.E.L.D. hostage with a mind-controlling stone called the Mind Stone. When trying to destroy the Avengers he causes them to switch bodies. Hulk ends up in Falcon's body, Falcon ends up in Captain America's body, Cap ends up in Iron Man's body, Iron Man ends up in Hawkeye's body, Hawkeye ends up in Thor's body, Thor ends up in Black Widow's body, and Widow ends up in Hulk's body.
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Marvels Avengers Assemble episode Head to Head

  • Categories:Male, Gender, Television Episode
  • Categories:Age, Television Episode
  • First Aired: January 25, 2015
  • Season 2
  • Episode 8


MODOK takes S.H.I.E.L.D. hostage with a mind-controlling stone called the Mind Stone. When trying to destroy the Avengers he causes them to switch bodies. Hulk ends up in Falcons body, Falcon ends up in Captain Americas body, Cap ends up in Iron Mans body, Iron Man ends up in Hawkeyes body, Hawkeye ends up in Thors body, Thor ends up in Black Widows body, and Widow ends up in Hulks body.