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Metamorphose FAQ
=Metamorphose FAQ= What are the changes to the new site? * Multiple transformation categories. * On the fly categories. * Wiki style editing with saved history for rollbacks. * A trusted user level that can approve and reject submissions. * Preview options for entries and the message board. ...more
Author: guest(Pinoyworld)
Created: 2022-05-15 08:49:33
=Metamorphose FAQ=

<b>What are the changes to the new site?</b>
* Multiple transformation categories.
* On the fly categories.
* Wiki style editing with saved history for rollbacks.
* A trusted user level that can approve and reject submissions.
* Preview options for entries and the message board.

<b>What isn't working?</b>
I started this recoding of the site back in January of 06, and it still isn't finished. So instead of waiting for it to be completed. Which never really happens. I decided to go live with the new code as is. This means that many things aren't working yet.
* Submission Wizard (only a very basic submission page exists right now.)
* Image Upload (there is no image uploading right now.)
* Preferences do not work.
* Starting message board threads that are linked to an entry.

<b>What is Wiki style editing?</b>
Wiki's are websites that let anyone make changes to the websites data. <a href= by the entry's name. In the Message box, enter your comment or review. We'll take care of the rest (it may take a few days, so please, be patient).
Is my error
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,
Is my error