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Author: guest(3 9 4 5)
Created: 2021-12-25 20:19:46
=Snickers - Vanessa=
Categories: <category>Gender</category>

For this ad from Australia, two guys sit on the beach eating a Snickers. Meanwhile, a woman walks in front of them by wiggling her butt dramatically as she sets down her towel and prepares for the beach. "That's different", one of the guys says to his friend whose mouth is full of a bit from his Snickers bar. "Yeah, I think it's the nuts", he replies, refering to the hazelnuts in the candy bar. Then in a double entendre, the camera cuts to a front shot of the woman, who is actually a drag queen instead.
<a href=>Snickers - Vanessa (Mars Australia, 2003)</a>
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Snickers - Vanessa



For this ad from Australia, two guys sit on the beach eating a Snickers. Meanwhile, a woman walks in front of them by wiggling her butt dramatically as she sets down her towel and prepares for the beach. "Thats different", one of the guys says to his friend whose mouth is full of a bit from his Snickers bar. "Yeah, I think its the nuts", he replies, refering to the hazelnuts in the candy bar. Then in a double entendre, the camera cuts to a front shot of the woman, who is actually a drag queen instead.
Snickers - Vanessa (Mars Australia, 2003)