Author: | guest(Anon) |
Created: | 2021-12-22 10:10:48 |
=Hawkeye "So This Is Christmas?"=
Categories: <category>SizeTransformation, TV</category>
<spoiler>A truck with some villains in it is shrunk to miniature size thanks to PYM particles arrow. It is then picked up by a passing owl.</spoiler>
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Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text, | |
Hawkeye "So This Is Christmas?"
Categories:SizeTransformation, TV
Click to show spoiler
N gehpx jvgu fbzr ivyynvaf va vg vf fuehax gb zvavngher fvmr gunaxf
gb CLZ cnegvpyrf neebj. Vg vf gura cvpxrq hc ol n cnffvat bjy.
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