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Upload S01E05 "The Grey Market"
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A series where people can choose to have their minds uploaded to a virtual reality "Heaven" after they die. One character is Dylan, an 18 year old who died when he was a child, and still retains his child's body. He desperately wants to grow up, mainly so he can hook up with women. (Spoile ...more
Author: guest(1 5 3 2)
Created: 2021-12-07 02:06:56
=Upload S01E05 "The Grey Market"=
Categories: <category> Age, Gender, TV Show</category>


A series where people can choose to have their minds uploaded to a virtual reality "Heaven" after they die.

One character is Dylan, an 18 year old who died when he was a child, and still retains his child's body. He desperately wants to grow up, mainly so he can hook up with women.

<spoiler>He ends up going the Grey Market, a sort of dark web of the virtual reality, and purchases a modification for his avatar that will make him look like his real age after he goes to sleep and wakes up again.

While the modification works, Dylan accidentally bought a female version, and wakes up as a teenage girl. He does not notice until after walking topless through several rooms full of people gawking at him. The whole thing is a bit short and mostly played for humor, but it does end with him learning to respect women.</spoiler>


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Upload S01E05 "The Grey Market"

Categories:Age, Gender, TV Show


A series where people can choose to have their minds uploaded to a virtual reality "Heaven" after they die.

One character is Dylan, an 18 year old who died when he was a child, and still retains his childs body. He desperately wants to grow up, mainly so he can hook up with women.

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Ur raqf hc tbvat gur Terl Znexrg, n fbeg bs qnex jro bs gur iveghny ernyvgl, naq chepunfrf n zbqvsvpngvba sbe uvf ningne gung jvyy znxr uvz ybbx yvxr uvf erny ntr nsgre ur tbrf gb fyrrc naq jnxrf hc ntnva.Juvyr gur zbqvsvpngvba jbexf, Qlyna nppvqragnyyl obhtug n srznyr irefvba, naq jnxrf hc nf n grrantr tvey. Ur qbrf abg abgvpr hagvy nsgre jnyxvat gbcyrff guebhtu frireny ebbzf shyy bs crbcyr tnjxvat ng uvz. Gur jubyr guvat vf n ovg fubeg naq zbfgyl cynlrq sbe uhzbe, ohg vg qbrf raq jvgu uvz yrneavat gb erfcrpg jbzra.
