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"Smoke and Mirror" episode of Stargate SG-1
The alien device from episode "Foothold" returned. 12 of the devices were recovered and sent to Area 51. But someone swap them with fakes and gave them to NID rogue personnel, in order to kill a senator that's about to turn against them, and they used Col. Jack O'Neil's device to impersonate him an ...more
Author: Bodyswap1
Created: 2020-08-25 08:29:46
=Smoke and Mirror=
*Categories: <category>Gender, Television Episode</category>
*Series: <a entryid=7329 rel=series rev=episode prep="episode of" note="Gender">Stargate SG-1 </a>
*Title "Smoke and Mirror", Season 6 Episode 14, Series, Illusion, Shapeshifter, Action, Sci-Fi, MTF, MTM

The alien device from episode "Foothold" returned. 12 of the devices were recovered and sent to Area 51. But someone swap them with fakes and gave them to NID rogue personnel, in order to kill a senator that's about to turn against them, and they used Col. Jack O'Neil's device to impersonate him and killed the senator. O'Neil was arrested for killing the senator, and SG-1 looked into the whole thing trying to clear Jack's name.

It turn out Area 51 researchers were able to create the device, but the impersonating image only lasted a few minutes. Major Carter impersonated the killer, a male NID rogue agent, and went to the meeting with the "Committee", and managed to record their meeting and later arrested all of the member with help of head of NID that was determined to clear the house, once for all. A "transformation" from the male NID agent to Major Carter took place at near the end, while 2 other male to male transformations also took place on screen.
Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text,

Smoke and Mirror

  • Categories:Gender, Television Episode
  • Series: Stargate SG-1
  • Title "Smoke and Mirror", Season 6 Episode 14, Series, Illusion, Shapeshifter, Action, Sci-Fi, MTF, MTM


The alien device from episode "Foothold" returned. 12 of the devices were recovered and sent to Area 51. But someone swap them with fakes and gave them to NID rogue personnel, in order to kill a senator thats about to turn against them, and they used Col. Jack ONeils device to impersonate him and killed the senator. ONeil was arrested for killing the senator, and SG-1 looked into the whole thing trying to clear Jacks name.

It turn out Area 51 researchers were able to create the device, but the impersonating image only lasted a few minutes. Major Carter impersonated the killer, a male NID rogue agent, and went to the meeting with the "Committee", and managed to record their meeting and later arrested all of the member with help of head of NID that was determined to clear the house, once for all. A "transformation" from the male NID agent to Major Carter took place at near the end, while 2 other male to male transformations also took place on screen.