Author: | guest(4 5 9 3) |
Created: | 2019-08-03 16:08:08 |
Categories: <category>Gender</category>
Bradley Barker goes into a hospital in order to have his wisdom teeth removed. The very day he enters the hospital, the porters receive their redundancy notices and decide to get drunk instead. The result is that he is wheeled down to the operating theatre and has a sex change operation by mistake.
<a href=https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28169.Girl>Girl by David Thomas</a>
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Color Meanings: New Text, Changed Text, Deleted Text, | |
Bradley Barker goes into a hospital in order to have his wisdom
teeth removed. The very day he enters the hospital, the porters
receive their redundancy notices and decide to get drunk instead.
The result is that he is wheeled down to the operating theatre and
has a sex change operation by mistake. Girl by David Thomas
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