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Author: Allie
Created: 2016-07-25 02:19:07
=Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC=
Categories: <category>Gender, Male to Female, Mechanical, Misc Transformation, Video Game</category>

Fallout 4's first major DLC expansion sees the player traveling up to Maine to Far Harbor where strange occurrences are plaguing the town and multiple factions are on the brink of war.

<spoiler>One of the subplots involves the player finding a hidden Vault where a murder has taken place. Now acting as a detective in a "Whodunit?" mystery the player must figure out who the killer is and their motives by question all of the residents in the Vault. The twist here is that all of the residents are Robobrains, robots that have human brains in them allowing the human conscience to live on forever in a mechanical vessel. The mystery is solved when the player finds out that the wife of the doctor is long gone (dead) and has been replaced by a male resident who had been impersonating her by using her voice coding (the only way to identify who is who aside from subtle touches to each robot's design). <spoiler>
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Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC

Categories:Gender, Male to Female, Mechanical, Misc Transformation, Video Game


Fallout 4s first major DLC expansion sees the player traveling up to Maine to Far Harbor where strange occurrences are plaguing the town and multiple factions are on the brink of war.

Click to show spoiler
Bar bs gur fhocybgf vaibyirf gur cynlre svaqvat n uvqqra Inhyg jurer n zheqre unf gnxra cynpr. Abj npgvat nf n qrgrpgvir va n "Jubqhavg?" zlfgrel gur cynlre zhfg svther bhg jub gur xvyyre vf naq gurve zbgvirf ol dhrfgvba nyy bs gur erfvqragf va gur Inhyg. Gur gjvfg urer vf gung nyy bs gur erfvqragf ner Eboboenvaf, ebobgf gung unir uhzna oenvaf va gurz nyybjvat gur uhzna pbafpvrapr gb yvir ba sberire va n zrpunavpny irffry. Gur zlfgrel vf fbyirq jura gur cynlre svaqf bhg gung gur jvsr bs gur qbpgbe vf ybat tbar (qrnq) naq unf orra ercynprq ol n znyr erfvqrag jub unq orra vzcrefbangvat ure ol hfvat ure ibvpr pbqvat (gur bayl jnl gb vqragvsl jub vf jub nfvqr sebz fhogyr gbhpurf gb rnpu ebobgf qrfvta).Pyvpx gb fubj fcbvyre