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Category: 'Television Episode'
W.I.T.C.H. episode U is for Undivided
Possible Spoilers One of the Witches learns that her little sister has incredible magical powers, she is so powerful that she can merely wish for something and it will come true. An enemy of the Witches wants to take her power and so as four of the Witches stand guard the other begins to tell her ...more
War at Home episode The 17-Year Itch
The father,Dave, meets his new co-worker which is a sexy young female. Later in the episode there is a scene where it shows Dave and his wife,Vicki, in the bed right after sex. Vicki say "wow that's the best sex we had in a long time. What were you thinking about?" Dave says"just you" but when he lo ...more
The War at Home episode Back to school
In the episode when Dave realize he is like his daughter Hillary he imagines himself as her with his voice. Later Hillary realizes the same thing and imagines herself as him with her voice.
Xena: Warrior Princess episode "Ten Little Warlords"
Xena, while she is still in Callisto's body, gets an invitation among other warriors to become the 'new god of War' since Ares lost his powers. Ares asks for Xena's help. Because there is not currently seated a god of War, people who are usually calm and collected have become anxious and unsett ...more
Warrior Princess Xena episode Deja Vu All Over Again
In this unusual episode set in 1999, a woman, Annie (played by Lucy Lawless) believes she is the reincarnation of Xena after a series of strange dreams. Her lover Harry (Ted Raimi, who usually plays Joxer in the series) is skeptical, but leads her to an expert (played by Renee O'Connor, who usually ...more
Warrior Princess Xena episode In Search of the mehndi
Xena and Gabriel are Transmigrated forward to fight Alti, xena's old nemesis. Xena, reincarnates as an old woman, but gabriel is a young Prince.
Warrior Princess Xena episode Intimate Stranger
Callisto steals Xena's body.
The Wayne & Shuster Show episode Unknown
An old Dr Jekyl turns into an evil Mrs Hyde. At the end of the sketch the old butler accidently drinks the formula too and is transformed into a beautiful young evil woman.
Wedding Peach DX episode Episode 4
The three girls have their bodies swapped with 3 cats. I don't have much more info because this is all I've gathered using Google and a poorly-translated (thanks Babelfish) version of It's the 6th picture down, if the 3 cats aren't ob ...more
"Weight Of The World" episode of The 4400
The show is about 4400 people who have vanished over the years since 1946 all of a sudden re appear all at the same time and place unaged and some have gotten powers. This episode had a man who was missing since 1989, come back with the ability to help people loose a lot of pounds over night by ...more
Weird Science - Show Chett episode Unknown
In the end of the episode Lisa changes from a tiger back to her old self.
Weird Science episode The Feminine Mistake
Lisa makes Gary and Wyatt appear to others as girls, to teach them about the opposite sex. (not really a transformation)
Weird Science episode Bee in There
Gary and Wyatt are sent back in time to when they were six years old. They're supposed to become their fathers so they would play with their younger selves and learn some skills that wouldn't make them the losers they are when they're sixteen. Things go wrong again of course and Gary ends up being ...more
Weird Science episode Gumpy Old Genie
Lisa is acciently turned into an old man.
Weird Science episode Night of the Swingin' Steves
In an X-Files parody, Todd the T-5000 shapeshifting assasin assumes the forms of Lisa, then agent Molly in a negligee in order to seduce then kill agent Scolder.
Weird Science episode Quantum Wyatt
Gary leaps into a middle aged phone-sex worker. Brief, at end. Time Stamp For Transformation Is 20:20.
Weird Science episode She's Alive
Wyatt is turned into a girl. Very brief at end.
Weird Science episode Teen Lisa
The boys convince Lisa that her life is a lot easier, due to her good looks. She agrees to take on the form of the ugliest girl in school. Her reflection changes, but she appears the same.
Weird Science episode Unplugged
The guys think puppies are a great way to attract women so they ask Lisa for help - and she promptly turns them into them. Brief, at end.
Welcome to Paradox episode Options
This is a video version of John Varley's Options tale. A bit different in that the primary change is female to male
"Wendigo" episode of PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal
The initial O.S.I.R team went looking for Wedigo, an Indian demon that perform cannibism. O.S.I.R. lost contact with the team, so the main O.S.I.R. team was called in to search for three missing operatives of the initial team in a wildness area. The Wendigo demon was in one of the operatives(posses ...more
Werewolf episode Unknown
A site dedicated to the 1987-88 television series starring John J. York, Lance LeGault, and Chuck Connors. Make-up FX master Rick Baker provided the werewolves and transformations.
Westside Medical episode "The Mermaid"
When an East German female swimmer has an accident in a pool and is rushed to the emergency room, suddenly it's discovered that the she is actually a post op transsexual.
"What Price Gloria?" episode of Quantum Leap
Sam leaps into a gorgeous secretary.
"What You Want" episode of Danny Phantom
In the episode a genie ghost comes out and begins granting wishes. One of Danny's friends, tucker, wishes himself into a ghost like Danny. In one scene they both take over Danny's Girlfriend's body.
When Magic Goes Wrong episode Unknown
This was an hour long spot in the UK on Channel 4 about what happens when magic tricks go wrong. The show is hosted by two male magicians (Barry and Stuart) who performed their own tricks before and after each commercial break. For one of their magic tricks, Barry gives Stuart some girls clothes ...more
"When Swaps Go Bad" episode of My Parents Are Aliens
The mother (who is an alien) turns into the oldest daughter to cover for her at school, plus the father who is also an alien turns into the school caretaker to help his son get out of trouble, later the mum turns into another woman as she cant change back to her old self (and to cover the fact that ...more
Where And When
Female, Male
Myka and Pete go back to 1961 using H.G. Wells time machine. But they can't travel physically in time. So its done Quantum Leap Sty;e. They take over for 22 hours the bodies of earlier agents. They need to recover an artifact that turns people into crystal killing them. No TG, Pete becomes the guy ...more
Which is Which episode Dotchi ga Dotchi
Who is Julia? episode Unknown
Gorgeous model tries to save a mousy woman from hit by a car. Mousy woman ends up brain dead and model's body is on permanment life support. So the doctors decide to transplant the model's brain into the other woman's body.
Wicked Science episode A Day In The Life
Australian Kids TV show about two high school kids who become genuises and invent stuff. After school hours kind of stuff. Premise: An accident in the lab forces a girl and a boy to spend the day as each other and find out various secrets and problems. Girl has to enter a pizza eating competitio ...more
Widget the World Watcher (Intro) - Episode: Intergalactic Garage Sale
Inanimate, Animal
This classic cartoon shows that a 4-foot tall purple alien transforms into anything he wants. In the intro (opening theme song), he transforms from a purple horse into a purple rhinoceros (with his two young human friends riding on his back).
Widget, the World Watcher episode: Do not cry, wolves
In one episode "Don't cry, wolves", Widget changes one kid into wolf cub. He was adopted by wolf family, and when was time to change back, TF-device was broken by lightning. Unfortunately (for us), they found a way to reverse TF, because almost every mansion contains a-little-Frankenshtein-lab. :) ...more
The Wiggles episode Animals
Greg tries to prove to the other wiggles that he's a good magician but fails the first couple of times and ends up turning the other three into rabbits.
The Wiggles episode History
In this episode the Wiggles are aged down to when they were kids.
The Wiggles episode Hygiene
In the episode the Wiggles find out what it's like to be the size of a germ after they shrink.
Wild Thornberrys
Debbie spot Eliza speaking with dingos. To prevent spreading the secret, Eliza with the help of shaman put Debbie into trance and in her dream all show heroes changed into animals: Eliza into dingo, Nigel - warlus, Marianne - ostrich, Donnie - squirrel. And Darwin changes into human. Finally, Debb ...more
Wild Wild West episode The Night Of The Raven
The dwarfish criminal/mad scientest Dr, Miguelito Loveless, tests out his shrinking powder on his arch-enemy James West and the daughter of an Indian chief, reducing them to 6 inches in height. When West is restored to normal, Loveless uses the powder on himself and his female assistant in order to ...more
Wingin' It episode "We'll Always Have Detention"
Denise mistakenly concludes that Porter is the one who likes Brittany and, thinking he's a bad match, Denise sets out to find a more suitable boyfriend by magically impersonating Brittany. To get back at Denise, Porter impersonates Carl to catch Denise who is in the form of Britney.
Wingin' It episode I Carlie
Denise an AIT (Angel In Training) turns Carl Montclaire into a girl named Carlie because she wanted him to know how it feels to be a girl, after their first date goes poorly. Everyone in his family believes he has always been Carlie. Porter who is Carl's friend and is also an AIT, changes Denise ...more
Wingin' It episode I Kinda Always Knew I'd Be Your Lex-Boyfriend
In this episode Denise's ex boyfriend Lex tries to break up Carl and Denise who is an angel in training by impersonating a female angel, Mildred Stern. As it is forbidden for angels and humans to date.
Wingin' It episode Under Her Spell
Gender, Inanimate, Male
Carl arrives back at school with the intention of asking Jane out, but he turns into a blubbering mess every time he tries, admitting to porter "my backpack could make better conversation" so could Porter, for that matter, so he and Carl attempt to perform a body swap. But Dennis the Raccoon turns ...more
Winx Club episode Beauty and the Beast
Princess Stella of Solaria invites Bloom, Tecna, Musa, and Flora to come to Solaria for her Princess Ball (the 1st episode of the 3rd season is called "The Princess Ball." it is a coming out party for Princess Stella to become heiress to her rightful throne. Her father, King Radius, announces he i ...more
Winx Club episode Date with Disaster
This show is about Five Fashionable Fairies from the realm of Magix, who attend Alfea College. Princess Stella, the blonde fairy from Solaria, has been tricked by the evil witches, Darcy, Icy, and Stormy to go on a date with Brandon, her boyfriend at Red Fountain. Darcy poses as Stella to get Stel ...more
Winx Club episode Shadows in Bloom
The Winx Club has been on and the main character Bloom (the red haired fairy) is transformed into "Dark Bloom" by Professor Avalon, the "paladin" who came to Alfea to teach a new class on congenital magic (learning of your past to unlock your powers). The other girls, Bloom's friends, Tecn ...more
WITCH episode F is for Facades (season 2)
Witch Wars
In this episode, Demons have created a new reality game show, entitled Witch Wars. In this, Demons attack witches, and using special athamays, take the power of the slain witch. Gideon gets the hosts to go after the Charmed Ones, and tells them to have the Shape Shifter get close to Phoebe. He ...more
A Witch's Tail
The episode has several female to mermaid morphes. Also about 30 minutes into the show Cole turns to Morris and promptly turns him into a water cooler (nice morphing affect). After the agrument, Phoebe leaves and Cole transforms a confused Morris back into himself (reverse morph)...kind of a humor ...more
Witchness Protection
The new seer (charisma carpenter) wants to be human and trusts in the charmed ones, but a male demon pulls a fast one, absorbing the powers of a shapeshifter and pretending to be Phoebe long enough (about a minute in screen) to finish the seer off before she can betray her fellow demons.
Wizards of Waverly Place episode "Quinceañera"
Female, Gender
In the beginning of this episode, Alex and her brothers are being taught by her father how to do a body switching spell. In class, her father tests her by suggesting she swaps bodies with him. When he approves and asks her to do the reverse spell, she thinks for a second and because she has his bo ...more
Wizards of Waverly Place episode "Third Wheel"
In order to cheer up Harper, Justin transforms himself into Alex via magic to work on a high school float.
Wizards of Waverly Place episode "Three Maxes and a Little Lady"
Age, Male, Gender
In order to get the Wizard's Competition moved so Alex and Justin can study (Max is ahead due to Justin and Alex failing Prof. Crumb's test to determine whether or not the Russos would or would not expose magic to the mortal world), Alex changes herself into her brother, Max. She heads to the Wi ...more
Wizards of Waverly Place, Curb Your Dragon
In Disney Channel's series about teen wizards, each weekly plot usually involves a spell or magical item that the kids have been taught or shown at the beginning of the episode. For this episode, an animal transformation spell is the key plot driver. (Spoiler Text)
WKRP In Cincinnati episode Unknown
While on a sales trip to Dayton, girl-chasing Herb Tarlick meets a tall and attractive woman who immediately begins to come on to him. Following some very heavy petting in a darkened bedroom, the woman reveals that she has had a crush on Herb since their high school days, when she was a male classm ...more
Wolf Lake episode Unknown
Wolf's Rain episode All Episodes
Wolf disgueses themseves to human form to avoid captured by some human.
Womb Raider
Phoebe has returned to side of good and her unborn son doesn't like it. From time to time he takes control of her body and tries to kill her sister Paige. Once after Paige gets socked by 'Phoebe' and cursed. Phoebe gets gets control of her body back and says' Sorry, my baby made me do it.' At one p ...more
Wonder Showzen episode History
Jesus turns people into bikini girls including the alterboys in the Bible Brew skit.
Wonder Showzen episode Ocean
Most disturbing television show ever. This is a "kids" show which has some of the most twisted and freakiest stuff I have ever seen. AT one point in this show there is a cartoon where a little girl wishes to become a pony, so she can fly to Saturn and talk with Mommy and get she ears pierced and ...more
Wonder Woman episode "Formicida"
The episode with Sheilds and Yarnell. She turns from a geeky scientist into Formicida the ant woman with 50 times her normal stregnth. If someone with Wonder Woman tapes could post it. I remember there being a lot of facial movements when she transforms pretty funny. Nice black outfit though and th ...more
Wonder Woman episode "Mind Stealers from Outer Space" Part I and II
The second season. Beings called the Skrill (about 10 of them) escape prison and invade Earth. They plan on stealing some of our best minds and selling them on other worlds. The minds are stored in half eggs like plastic containers that are placed on a forehead. Wonder Woman does say at the end of ...more
Woody Woodpecker(New) episode Frankenwoody
Wally exchanges bodies with Woody to impress a girl. While trying to get his own body back, Woody ends up in the girls body. Brief(it's a minute or so out of a 10 minute short).
World Of Giants episode Unknown
The series is abot an Intelligence Bureau agent named Mel Hunter who shrinks in size. He is on a mission behind the Iron Curtain. At a missile site a rocket with experimental fuel explodes. Hunter is showered with a strange residue that alters his molecular structure. He is then taken back to the Un ...more
The Worst Witch episode "Art Wars"
Mildred is turned into a stone (or possibly clay) statue by Ethel who tries to use her to win an art contest. At the end of the episode, Maud casts a reversing spell to free Mildred.
The Worst Witch episode It's A Frog's Life
Mildred wakes up one morning to find out that she has been turned into a frog. While trying to get changed back, she meets another frog, Algenon, who used to be a wizard but was transformed years ago by a rival. She eventually gets turned back and promises to help Algenon. He is then turned back ...more
The Worst Witch episode Learning the hard way
This episode features the pupils (all girls) transforming themselves into various objects to show off their skills at making transformation potions. At the begin Drusilla is turned into a tree in potions class. Mildred makes a joke about Drusilla in class and is told to drink the same potion, tr ...more
Wynonna Earp episode The Other Woman
Female, Gender
In this episode the team learns that they need to get a book that was last held by Maeve Perley. She is a witch, that was burned at the stake, and is now a fire witch that can only take the form of fire. She uses her power to posses people and starts with (Spoiler Text) Note: (Spoiler Text)