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Category: 'Short Story'
S. M. Tennesaw
A typical 1940's story plot. A scientist believes that cosmic rays will grant immortality. He stows away on an experimental V2 rocket(!?) that is testing space flight with a cat. Due to the exposure to cosmic rays, he absorbs the life force of the cat and becomes part feline.
Sally Caves
Man and woman swap minds to experience each other's experiences as the opposite gender. read an excerpt at I havn't read the rest yet though.
Sara Genge
Title: 'As Women Fight' (Asimov's Science Fiction, December 2009) A story of life in an alien culture. Every year, husbands and wives physically fight, with the winner assuming the form and life of a woman, raising the children and taking care of the home, while the loser is forced to take the ...more
Scott Baker
Forty-three year old teacher gets some really special powers. In one short seqence he turns himself into a beautiful woman.
Seabury Quinn
Gender, Female
Ancient Body stealers trick beautiful young woman and handsome young man into swapping bodies with them. The girl is discribed as a swimming champion and its obvious she is Easter Williams! The famous occult detective Jules De Grandin saves the day. The short story basis for Quinn's later TG book " ...more
Sharon Webb
Nurse exchanges personalities with an alien, then with the man she loves. Brief.
Shel Silverstein
Epic style Ballad, at end Billy swaps souls with his girlfriend to save her from marrying the devil.
Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Creeping Man
Were, Animal
Original Sherlock Holmes short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is called in to investigate the case of a Professor who turns mad every nine days. Holmes reveals that this was due to a medicine designed to reverse the ageing process; unfortunately the maker of the medicine used seru ...more
Stefan Heym
All the men in the world are turning into women. Eventually, only one male baby is left. Will the human race survive?
Stephen Baxter
Two men are resurrected by aliens in a far future to witness the end of the solar system. Due to slight mistakes in the resurrection process, they become small (but intelligent) primates. One of them also accidently(?)has his sex reversed.
Stephen Elliott
This collection of fiction reflects the post-9/11 political situation in America, with a satirical tale about George W. Bush switching bodies with a boy in Minnesota among the other stories.
Stuart M. Kaminsky
A witch has lived through the centuries by stealing bodies and then killing her old one. She is married and attempts to hand her husband's body over to her warlock lover through the ages. At the end they are tracked down by a band of modern witch hunters after him.
Talmage Powell
A very nice, if plain 45 year old wife with health problems is murdered during a 'mugging' and her Ghost wonders why and seeks revenge. Good story, well written Spolier Her husband did it as he invloved with a beautiful, sexy 20 year woman. The wife ends up possessing the woman's body and plan ...more
Tanith Lee
An explosion on the alien world kills or injures all but 150 of 5000 colonist. A mind storage device is used to rotate people into the uninjured bodies, giving everyone a day the skins.
Teej Grant
MAJOR SPOILER INCLUDED! 'The Wild Y' is a great story by 'Teej Grant' (Polly Steward), a younger female author who just has to be one of us. The 'Y' of the title refers to a very rare genetic quirk which occurs in some men (the 'Y' chromosome makes a male a male, of course) and allows their physic ...more
The Intern
A college intern working for an evil genius mad scientist gets more than he bargained for. Includes mind control and gender transformation. Written as a screenplay.
The Succubus and Other Stories
Female, Male
a short story anthology In the 16th story a man testing a personality splitting experiment winds up in several bodies, most notably his wife. But someone is out to get rid of him... here is a brief sample Water flowing over his thighs, his flanks, his breasts. An interesting dream, this ...more
Theodore Cogswell
A man makes a deal with the devil so he can marry the beautiful woman he killed for but an evil fat, replusive mentally and physically middled aged woman loves him and wants him to kill the girl and marry her. The devil tricks him - he thinks he is getting rid of her, but she is put in the body of h ...more
Tim Burton
This collection of stories by Nightmare before christmas director Tim Burton features a bunch of kids with wierd powers (E.G a mummy boy, a boy who can create stains, and a pin cushion queen) and one of the stories is about this girl who finds herself turning into a bed.
Todd Belton
A woman meets and begins a relationship with a man who, over the course of the story, becomes a woman. A full explanation is never given for the metamorphosis. The MTF character is unsurprised, and unconcerned, by the transformation, so we are left to suppose that s/he has changed before. When ask ...more
Tom Rainbow
It's not a story, but a discusion of sex change and how it might effect people.
Toni V. Sweeney
United Terran Federation assassin Marsh has a new partner, Lexei Karanov. When he was a boy, Lexei became a "variant" - a person able to change gender and personality at will. Marsh doesn't care too much for Lexei, but he seems to have a thing for his "other", Deirdre.
Unknown Author
Gender, Gender
Magic spring changes men into women. A prince has his rival led to the spring so he can marry the princess they both want. Vizier immerses himself in a cauldron of water only to surface in the ocean as a beautiful woman. A local fisherman nabs her, makes her his wife, and they have several childr ...more
Unknown Short Story
Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender
A dying warrior from the planet Tzarhee, transferred her powers to a successor, an earth man. He has adventures with Tzarhee cadet Jhuu-Uhee in female form. A prejudiced man who wakes up in the hospital as everything he hates. A gay black man who's gotten a sex change. An accidental transgender ...more
a jealous manager of a beauty pagent conducts a magical ritual and swaps bodies with the main star beauty queen. She then kills the beauty queen in her old body, and goes onto win the pagent and marries the beauty queen's handsome boyfreind who she had a secret crush on and wanted him for herself ...more
Valerie Atkinson
A slave trader finds himself in the white castle of the mask-maker and discovers he can't return to his caravan without putting on the mask which will open the door back to his world. The mask, however, becomes a punishement well suited to his 'crime'.
Vance Anndahl
Struggling college professor can turn himself into a martini whenever he wants. A beautiful and wealthy blonde co-ed comes to his quarters for help on an accidently drinks him.
Victor Milan
Gender, Inanimate
As the title suggests the plot is loosely based on The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, and the ending is another horrible pun on the priginal ending. In Poe's story Montresor takes revenge on Fortunato by bricking him up in the cellar. In Milan's story, the villain wants to steal a time he ...more
Vivien Alcock
A recently widowed businessman must leave his children with his sister-in-law when he goes on business trips.The aunt pretends to care about the children when he's around, but actually mistreats them.The children find a bog which is the prison of the spirit of a governess who committed suicide.The s ...more