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Category: 'Short Story'
Ova Hamlet
Heavy-handed Gor parody, with some type of transformion. breif at end.
P.D. Cacek
A scorned young woman working in a magic shop steals her beautiful rival's body and kills the rival in her old body. She ends up really liking how beauitful and rich she is.
Patrick Thomas
Magician sees a male astral traveler who asks for help. It turns out that he is new to Astral traveling and while out of his body it was stolen by a serial bodysnatcher. When the magician confronts the thief in the victim's body she throws it out a window killing it. The magician then traces the thi ...more
Paul Di Filippo
The narrator find his best friend and co-worker, Chris, has been a werewoman since he was 13. Chris changes into a woman during a full moon. No big deal, no sex involved. But the narrator later starts going out with Jo in the legal department...
Paul F. Wilson
A severly crippled old woman takes over her sexy young servant's body in order to have sex with her handsome young handyman.
Paul Fairman
A young woman is troubled most of her life - it turns out that her selfish dead sister's spirit is trying to steal her body. She succeeds, but they find away to drive her out - they think. Average story
Peter Phillips
Disembodied consciousnesses of a husband and wife take over the bodies of a young couple. During their time as spirits, the wife has become more powerful than her husband, and chooses to take the male body.
Peter S. Beagle
A humorous story in which Farrell, a young maqn living in 1970's New York City, learns his girlfriend is a werewolf.
Peter Worthing
A boy of 13 years and his friend fantisize about being hot girls for a day. The next morning he finds himself in the body of his hot 18 year old sister. He had a little bit of fun with this body as he wears revealing clothing and has sex with his 13 year old friend.
Phil Jennings
Turns out female Assassin was actually male who swapped his mind into her body. Very brief
Philip Jose Farmer
Gender, Gender
A cop believes he is possessed by his vengeful sister, who was raped and murdered when they were both children. The hero, Paul Eyre, is gradually changing into an alien (a sort of a living flying saucer). In a dream sequence he imagines himself to be a female "leocentaur" (body of a lioness, torso ...more
Philip Roth
A man is changed into a giant breast. (does this count as a gender change?)
R.C. Fitzpatrick
P.C story before P.C. Black mother exchanges bodies with George Wallace.
Rachel Ingalls
A monk claims to have had sex with God. Shortly after this announcement, he becomes female and pregnant.
Ray Bradbury
A young boy in in bed with the fever. He starts loosing control and feeling in various body parts. He theorizes that bacteria are joining together and making themselves into a replication of him, slowly taking him over. In the end is has been totally replaced, and it's implied that the condition ...more
Resurrecting Jessica
After the death of his mom and sister, a young man does all he can to keep his relationship with his father alive. But little does he know that his father, in deep mourning over the loss of both women, is willing to do ANYTHING to bring one of them back. Strangely, and very slowly, the son becomes ...more
Richard Matheson
A woman buys a Zuni fetish doll as a gift for her boyfriend. The doll is called He Who Kills, and is supposed to be possessed by the spirit of a Zuni warrior which is kept at bay by a chain. The chain is accidently broken and the doll comes to life, chasing the woman around her apartment with a butc ...more
Richard Parker
A teacher turns a misbehaving boy into a wheelbarrow, and then has trouble turning him back
Rick Wilber
Aliens alter old football star so he can transmit sensory images from other humans. Finds he can manage a type of possesion. Ends up in ex-wives body and tries to make her kill another old lover of hers.
Robert Bloch
Gender, Size, Male, Size, Animal, Male, Gender
First person narrative. In the 40s a census taker comes to a house. meets an orginary lookng woman who says her occupation is a witch and she is 700 plus years old. he tries to leave, but the door has disappered! Its written very hard boiled detective syle. He is forced by her to go to a sabbath ...more
Robert E. Howard
Puritan adventurer/monster slayer Solomon Kane encounters a race of vampires in Africa. His blood-brother, the sorcerer N'Longa, possesses the body of young warrior Kran in order to help Kane destroy the vampires.
Robert F. Young
A man gets into a dance hall after hours, where women dancer are robots whoes controls feel everthing the robots do.
Robert Heinlein
Classic time-traveling short story of a man who is both his own father and mother.
Robert M Price
Unsympathetic college student Randy finds a strange 'rat' it becomes his familar. Through asking it for help he gains a beautiful girlfriend who had earlier disliked him, gets good grades and even kills his roomate. So, so, story with a terrific ending. Spoiler: The rat famailar claims his price ...more
Robert Silverberg
Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender, Gender
A shape-changing alien, escaped from a detention camp in the body of a female guard, has the misfortune to run into Amanda. What's a Girl to do? Get the alien a new male body of course, and who better than her hunky, EX-boyfriend with a terrible personality? On a space station, a man h ...more
Robert W. Chambers
In this short story, a woman commits suicide by leaping into a pool of her scientist husband's petrification fluid. Her husband shoots himself when he learns of this. Her lover (the reason for the suicide), has a breakdown and wanders the world for a year or so. When he returns, he finds the scie ...more
Robertson Davies
A Russian singer is turned into a frog in this weird story.
Robin Scott
Female scientist swaps brains with male Russian scientist so he can sneak out of Russia.
Roe Ericson
A girl at college goes to the amazon jungle on a kind of, field trip. She manages to find a frog on one of the paths. They have a big celebration and she kisses the frog. Later she wakes up as she is turning into the frog. Pretty lousy storyline, but it has a good TF sequence. In fact it has several ...more
Rog Philips
Good story. Eventually it is revealed that evil female sorcessess is trying to steal a beautiful young woman's body. She is apposed by good Sorcerer. The villian can also possess other's bodies briefly to rob or kill or steal. She succeeds. But they are able to reverse the switch.
Ron Dee
A boy wants to attract the attention of his best friend. With the help of his "fairy" Godmother he is transformed into a beautiful girl just in time for the big dance.
Ron Leming
Death comes to a condemned bar. But Death's tired and looking for a replacement. Anyone want to make a deal?
Rosemary Edghill
A warrior is revived from the dead by a sorceress. He wielded a sword in life that killed women to retain it's power. So the sorceress changes him into a woman upon his rebirth. He/she is wounded by her own sword before the sorceress changes the curse from "ladykiller" to "lady who kills" It's from ...more