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Category: 'Short Story'
J. E. Walters
Quantum leap type story except he actually takes over the physical body of the person. At one point becomes the girlfriend of guy he is trying to save
J. Ramsey Campbell
Suicides spirit forces weak willed young woman to exchange places. He takes her body & she's trapped in the house.
Jack Vance
This is by a Great SF Fantasy writer. This story was written in the 50s and is now in hardbound. Very well written story, it is somehwat harmed by the times in which it was written as the full complications of the plot couldn't be explored. Set in the future. A series of 'unrealted' events are happe ...more
Jack Wodhams
Gender, Gender, Gender
I can't do this story justice. The TG changes, one of each, occur before it begins, but that doesn't hurt the story. A judge must decide a divorce case that involves not the above transformations, but international espionage, infidelity, the inheritance of a large estate, and MURDER! Humorous yet t ...more
Jackie Vivelo
Brian, the new kid in school, has trouble getting along with the other boys - until he invites them to play a statue-game that might just become permanent.
James Blish
A true classic! Several rich and successful artists, musicians, and the like are attending a party in a home isolated in the woods. A painter begins to suspect that a famous pianist, who is seducing the artist's true love, is a werewolf. His suspicions turn out to be correct. Unfortunately, this lea ...more
James E. Gun
At a witches convention opposing view points clash, the founders vs those who think magic comes from the devil & want to force the issue oposing them are the founders, who use it like a science and know it is natural forces. To keep from being kidnapped and destroyed one of the founders shapes shift ...more
James Hogan
In the future, you can have your consciousness operate a body in a different location (cuts down on air travel). Guy uses a female body to follow his wife who he thinks is being unfaithful.
James Kahn
A psychedelic "Big Chill" has a magic mirror, witchcraft and a personality transfer.
Jan Stirling
Warrioress Alzira and her husband Velops are hit with a mystic spell by his brother who wants to steal Velops' throne. The spell causes him to grow younger and her to grow older every day, The couple are saved by Feric, a wizard, and Terion, another warrioress and Feric's wife. In the end, the broth ...more
Jane Gardam
A modern girl about 11 visits a haunted house with her folks and ends up switching places with the spirit of a dead girl. The girl has her body and is quite happy to be alive and modern girl is stuck haunting the house in the identical spirit body the girl had.
Jaye Lawrence
Crossdreser answers add from frog. spoiler after kissing frog and returning home he finds that reason his padded bra has become so uncomfortable is that he now posseses real breasts.
Jerome Bixby
This is the short story the Twilight Zone episode was based on, with the child with the transformational powers, and the villiage held hostage, forced to think only happy thoughts. The major differences: The boy is not truly human, but something vague and never described. The town has been t ...more
Jerry Olson
Scientists are exploring the effects of body switching through a new machine. Beautiful young woman and large man switch for a week as well as a man and a female Chimp.
Jerry Shelton
A man answers a classified ad our primary character placed in a newspaper when he was a bit tipsy. "Wanted, business association with the devil or kindred demon. Interested party willing to trade one slightly used soul for favor granted." what does this man, a professor want from the demon who h ...more
John Collier
A demon and an angel, both male, descend (or arise, depending on who you're referring to) to Earth and take on the forms of beautiful young women, and end up living together.
John Jakes
One of the strangest stories ever. A man hates his toaster. It seems unbelievably enoungh to hate him. His wife thinks he's being silly. One day he decides just to throw it out but when he picks it up it SWITCHES BODIES with him. There is a scene - where 'the man' seems to be throwing a 'toaster' aw ...more
John Rackham
Disembodied brains operate remote bodies. Nephew of one the scientists takes over the female body.
John Varley
Gender, Gender, Gender
In a world where bodies are made to order, Fox's friend decided to become a beautiful girl. Fox from "Picnic at NearSide" appears as a female. Involves a woman changing into a man in a Lunar society.
John Wyndham
in "The Best of John Wyndham." Publisher Star books (?)I haven't got a copy handy. Young English couple on holiday find a dying man lying in the middle of the road. Husband goes to get help; leaves wife behind. While he's gone, the dying man takes over the wife's body. He then uses her body to ta ...more
Julio Cortazar
A rich, lovely young woman in South American has flashes of another woman in Budapest, that womanis a beggar and is beaten. She is drawn to her and goes to Budapest on her honeymoon. The two women meet and the beggar steals the young woman's body. Well Written story
Kandis Elliot
Gender, Gender
Trapper Ramant, a galactic investigator for the Throne World, is sent to investigate an unusual murder on Vonar, a planet of hermaphrodites. Interrogator Regal Ket must unlock the secret of the Halian's ambassador, who is paralyzed and irreparably brain-damaged. Transformation is brief, at end.
Karen Haber
A female scienist, copies her personality into a male cyberspace body. She's looking for a simulation of Michelangelo she created.
Karl Edward Wagner
A man who dresses as a woman to whore meets up with satanic cult. The creature they called up from hell starts to ravage him then realized his sex. When the man wakes up he's now really a female as his fake breast have become real.
Kelley Eskridge
A vampire/actor auditions on one day as John the Baptist, but returns the next day as a woman to audition for the title role of Salome.
Kevin Andrew Murphy
Gender, Animal, Gender
Newest Wild Cards book. In the last short story Jerry Strauss makes an appearence in female form. Not totally sure if I got the title right. Only seen it in the bookstores. A lot of transformations in this one. Beads which are supposed to protect people from sorcery have been cursed so they c ...more
Kit Reed
Matronly Martha decides to spice up her marriage by ordering herself a new body from "New You" but doesn't read the manual before unwrapping it. Neither does she check with her husband to find out what he wants.
L. Frank Baum
In this short story, Ozma and the Wizard (the same Wizard of the original story, though now he is being taught real magic) encounter three obnoxious imps, Imp Ertinent, Imp Udent, and Imp Olite. The imps cause much trouble, even after Ozma and the Wizard transform them into other creatures. Finally, ...more
L. Timmel Duchamp
Girl becomes hermaphrodite after sexual intercourse with alien.
A man immerses himself in a cauldron of water, only to emerge as a woman who gets wed to a local king. They also have a couple of children.
Larry Niven
An astronaut stranded on Pluto tries to put himself in cryogenic suspension by exposing himself to the planet's frigid environment - but remains fully conscious as an ice statue.
Larry Tritten
Man shot when caught " in flagrante delicto" is given second chance for heaven if he does the right thing on playback, Only this time around he is the female being seduced by himself.
Laura Resnick
The male genie of the lamp becomes a woman to please a master.
Laurence Housman
Husband kills wife. Divine judgement sends them back to earth in each other's bodies.
Lee Martindale
A young enchantress applies for the position of king's enchanter, but is told by the guard captain that the king wouldn't accept her -- the king is actually seeking a man, preferably an old man, who gives the appearance of power. Later that night, the enchantress transforms herself into an old man w ...more
Lee Sutton
Conservative prig and free love chick find their minds joined.
Leslie Jones
A very pretty young woman starts an affair with a married man.Yvette is married to a college Prof and her lover is to a plain, very plump older woman. They decide not to get divorces and marry each other partly because they feel guilty and partly because the wife Ruth is not nearly as young, & attra ...more
Linda J. Dunn
Gender, Gender
A young princess has been forced to kiss hundreds of frogs in the hopes of the king to restore his son Prince Frederick who turned himself into a frog. Frederick likes it though...until he finds out that he'll turn human at the first snowfall. When the princess uses magic to bring that snow early he ...more
Lisa Tuttle
Gender, Gender
In a world were everyone is born male, one man is falling in love with another man. But there's a penalty for that. In this world falling in love with a man can make you grow into a woman.
M. W. Gower
Gorgeous young con woman is tricked out of her body by old man.
M.C. Pease
Very ugly male agent forces an exchange of bodies with beautiful evil ruler.
M.C. Sumner
In a future society a surrogate exchanges consciousness with you to help you avoid the pain of childbirth. But what if that surrogate was a man?
Maggie Browne
Merle has fairytale dreams but comes to a fence that says "If You Want to Come in You Must Leave Your Body Outside". She avoids leaving her body, and later meets meets Thomas Muriel, who left her body outside, lost it and is now a boy.
Malachi Martin
Occult forces transform Richard into Rita.
Manly Banister
In a reverse of the usual scenerio, a wolf turns into a woman during the full moon.
Margaret Ronan
An evil, very wicked cripled old woman steals the body of her 16 year maid and wants to steal the girl's young boyfriend. Powerful, hypnotic story, With a surprise ending.
Margaret St Clair
Brian, a human explorer on a rainy version of Venus, rapes a purple-skinned native girl and then takes refuge from her vengeful family in what he thinks is a shrine. But it's actually a biological converter that wasn't designed for humans, and soon he's paralysed and can't do anything except painful ...more
Maria Drayton
It's about a guy who wakes up and finds he's undergone a sudden change.
Mark Kreighbaum
To save herself young witch switches bodies with evil male witch hunter.
Martha Soukup
Gender, Gender
Jealous woman ends up possessing body of man who rejected her. Future actors use remote "bodies" as costumes. The one character is given the chance to "act against type" by being cast in the female role. He is male.
Mary Shelley
A proud, spenthrift VERY handsome Italian nobleman has been banished by his girl friend's father. He vows revenge, but needs money. He meets a very ugly deformed dwarf, who offers him a chest full of treasure to swap bodies for a week. He hesitates, but his desire for vengence overcomes his repuganc ...more
Mary Turzillo
Features a Cambrian-era society in which some females turn male at maturity, losing intelligence in the process.
Maureen F. McHugh
In this future, VR parlors are the equivalent of today's video game parlors. A young man enters one, assuming a heroic male persona. He meets an exotically beautiful woman, who turns out to be a gay male in real life.
Max Allen Collins
Murdered Gangland Capo possesses daughter of gumshoes fiancee and hires him to find his murderer.
Melinda Snodgrass
Dr. Tachyon is switched "jumped" with a young woman.
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey does it again. In this short story a young noblewoman is being forced into marriage. She loves to go hunting with her hawks. While putting one of her hawks up she says to herself that she would like to take the place of the hawk. The hawk answers her and says that she can trade place ...more
Michael Flynn
Some friends go to a nano-tech place to get transformed. The main character becomes a wolf, but his friend becomes a girl.
Mick Garris
A man periodically experiences flashes in the life of a woman.
MiIlton Lesser
Preachy allogory about ugly Earth Tourists husband and wife who for a lark an to see a alien planet better swap bodies with natives( The planet and culture is very like modern Indian)They have some of the memories of the body and can speak the native tongue. It turns out this a plot on the part of ...more
Mike W. Barr
Gender, Gender
A small town lothario pursues a beautiful, mysterious lesbian with strange powers, vowing to change her into "a real woman." Instead, she changes him. Almost impossible to describe without destroying it. Just read the story!
Mildred Clingerman
Terrifying story. A pretty young wife goes into a Christmas Tree Store and has flashes of another's wowman's unhappy Life. One year she meets the owners poor, ugly, gross fat sister who forces a life and body exchange.
Millie - He's Now A Comic Book Fashion Model
Written by 'Tommy' circa 1998. It's a 52 page short story/novel with several full pages of b/w illustrations. Set in the 1950's, the plot has 12 year old Tommy waking up in the body of the grown up female body of Millie the Model (from the world of Marvel Comics), the star of the comic book he ...more
Morgan Llywelyn
A stallion is magically enhaced to be the ultimate race horse. At the end of the story, the stallion changes a woman into a mare to become it's mate.
Mrs Fox by Sarah Hall
A modern retelling of the classic Garnett story, Lady into fox. *,sarah-hall-lionel-shriver-lavinia-9781905583638
Murray Leinster
A youth potion has some unexpected side-effects.
My Daughter, The Fox
A story of mother, who gave birth to a fox cub instead of a baby and tried to raise her. *Full text:,%20The%20Fox%20-%20text.pdf
Myrna and Marshak, Sondra Culbreath
A siren's song traps the Enterprise in orbit around a deserted planet. While trapped, many of the crew have their gender reversed.
Nancy Springer
Three people go on an adventure. With magic arts much is accomplished and the three join to have adventures another day. Not in the exact same form, though. I don't want to ruin the surpises in this story, or the ending.
Neal Shusterman
Vain teenage girl tricked into body switch with rich old lady. Turns out it is a game of musical bodies with each new occupant of the old lady paying a million dollars of her fortune to get a new body. At end when young lady won't fall for the vanity ploy she uses her old boyfriend does and as he ru ...more
Neil Gaiman
Gender, Gender
Changes is part of fantasy/ghost story author Neil Gaiman's short story compilation "smoke and Mirrors". It is the story of a scientist who creates an anti-cancer drug, available in pill form and completely harmless (unlike conventional chemotherapy) it has one side effect. The so called 'Reboot' ...more
Norman Spinrad
Novella. Earth has been destroyed and all of mankind is on space ships looking for an earth planet. Technology has advanced so much that people are contected and can not only send mental messages but can 'cross tap' into each other if they have been OKied to do so. IN the sub plot the hero and heroi ...more