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Category: 'Marked For Deletion'
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleased
Marked for Deletion by Sara - 12/12/07. Some of this information as already in the other Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Record. The remainder has now been merged into that record. In the movie, Shaggy and Scooby mess around with potions. Each one with a different affeect. First Scoobie turns i ...more
This is a duplicate entry and is now marked for deletion - cj 2007sep01 when a person finds a magical silver or gold hand piece when they put it on they sell there soul and become host to the seven deadly sins. They are lust,greed,envy,pride,sloth,anger and gluttony. They all have there own powe ...more
Smokey the Bear
Gender, Animal
Attractive woman transforms into Smokey the Bear in 1973 public service announcement No actual transformation / disguise only - marked for removal 2007mar25 - cj
Super Mario World 2:Yoshi's Island
Marked for Deletion: This entry is a duplicate of another entry, which was incorrectly labeled as Yoshi's Island:Super Mario World 2 before. This information is already in the other entry, except for some of this size part, but I cannot tell if it really is a change, Sara 11/29/07 In this game ...more
Superman Family Superman / Action Comics issue Unknown
Marked for Deletion by Sara - 1/11/08 - This record already appears to be listed on this site as part of Action Comics #20 and Superman Family #201. Appropriate data from this has been merged into corresponding entries A crimial character who later calls himself the Ultra-humanite transfers ...more
Superman/Batman issue #24
Taking Lives
This entry currently marked for deletion - there is no transformation in this material - cj 2007jun01 I saw a poster for this movie tonight, while seeing Lord of the Rings 3(Great by the way!). It's called Taking Lives, here is a synopsis on the movie's site: A top FBI profiler, Special Agen ...more
Terminator 3 Rise Of The Machines
Marked for Deletion by Sara on 9/5/09 - Already in the Database as entry 3038 SPOILERS!!!! The Terminatrix (played by the beautiful Kristanna Loken) is a much more advanced model of Arnold's T-101 robot and Robert Patrick's T-1000 (from T2)robots. In one scene she is studing a picture of Cla ...more
The Flash
The Flash is a spinoff of the Arrow and part of the CW DC Comics TV Shared Universe known as Arroverse. Starting with the event outlined in Arrow episode "Three Ghosts" (December 11, 2013), an accident occurs at Star Labs particle accelerator that creates metahumans in Central City. ===Origi ...more
Toughen Up
This item is marked for deletion - cross-dressing, no actual TF - cj 2008apr22 A group of secretaries gang up on their womanizing boss and transform him into one of them.
This entry now marked for deletion - existing entry exists - Duplicate Entry - 2015dec01 cj Movie about an elderly German couple that transfers (hence the title) their minds into two young African bodies. Not only has the couple to cope with going from white to black, but they are also not in fu ...more
Transformation and Giantess Fantasies
Duplicate Entry - now marked for deletion - cj 2007oct02 Dedicated to making short videos (for sale) of all types of transformations.
Age, Gender
This entry is now marked for deletion. It is a duplicate entry. The original entry is entryid=2021, Siren Productions Siren Tales is now in the making of the most Elaborate Feature to date. "Transformed" a suspenseful Action Sci-fi, with humor, advanced level Martial arts, Sexy women and of ...more
Two and a Half Men episode "We Called It Mr. Pinky"
This is an illusion only - no transformation - marked for deletion - cj 2007sep01 After being psychoanalysed by his Rose friend who explains the syndrome of Oedipus to him, Charlie goes in his mother and sees itself by twice with the face of his mother in a mirror.
Wonder Woman #308-309
This is a duplicate entry and has been marked for deletion - cj 2007nov19 Wonder woman discovers that a female gypsy has taken over Black Canary's body! After stopping the woman in the JLA HQ and forcing her to speak the truth with her lasso, Zenna replies that Canary's meddling her with her ...more
Wonder Woman episode Unknown
Marked for Deletion by Sara 1/14/08 - This is already on the Database. Both were listed as episode Unknown, but both described the same episode, The Boy Who Knew Her Secret. Pertinent information from this record, including link have been merged into other record. A male alien shapeshifter cha ...more
The X-Files Episode Terms of Endearment
This entry is now marked for deletion - no transformation content - cj 2007nov19 It is about a man possied by a deamon wanting to have a child and he kills them if the child is deamon like though. At the end of the episode you see what looks like the deamon leave him and go into a woman.
X-Men: Millennial Visions issue Unknown
Marked for Deletion by Sara - 2/8/08 - Merged into duplicate entry. In this one-shot book, various possible futures for the X-Men are suggested. A couple of them have gender changes, including one fun possibility where the entire team gets their genders reversed by a villainous monkey.