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Category: 'Comic Book'
Damage Control issue The Agent of SHIELD Affair
Villain Dittomaster makes his(her?) first(and only?) appearance in the Marvel universe. He(she?) shows up as a woman in order to get close to Henry Peter Gyrich in order to take his appearance(and get his clothes).
Dara II: Arena
In this issue Dara and Cooler begins theyr journey through computer games. The first world they got into was world of Quake.
Dara III: Ranma Syndrome
Russian comic series where two main heroes - Dara and her partner Cooler - travels through different computer games. "Dara" is a russian comic strip, once posted in MegaGame magazine. It doesn't exist anymore and comic remains unfinished. Still some of it's episodes contain huge transformation e ...more
Dark Green issue Unknown
Turns out the female lead in the dreamland, is really a guy in the real world.
Dark Reign: Young Avengers #4
Vision disguises himself as Kate Bishop (aka Hawkeye) while the real Kate is on a "date" at a glitzy social event with the current Executioner in an attempt to trick him. As he turns back into himself, Vision suggests "trying out" Kate's form with his girlfriend Stature much to her chagrin. Las ...more
Dark X-Men #1
What's left of Norman Osborn's X-Men is dispatched to a city ot investigate why people were claiming to be X-Men. Needing a form for "public appearances", field leader Mystique turns into Jean Grey, both because nobody can prove that she's really dead and to annoy the real X-Men. She stays in Jea ...more
Day of Judgment Secret Origins #1
In the first story, Wizard masquerades as Zatanna in order to get his hands on a powerful artifact.
Day of Judgment #2
Hell has frozen over and the JLA and DC's mystic heroes have to restart the fires. in issue No 2 Deadman possesses the body of the Enchantress character when she trys to leave the fight, until they reach hell where he is forced out as his spirit becomes solid. About six panels in various parts of t ...more
Day of Revolution issue #1
A boy named Kei faints in school. Her male friends are a little too concerned. After an examination, the doctor tells him he is actually a female hermaphrodite. She gets chemical treatments, and returns to school, six months later, as a cute girl named Megumi. Surprisingly all her male friends w ...more
Day of Vengeance #1
The Phantom Stranger, a classic mystical character in DC Comics, has been turned into a small black mouse by the Spectre by the time the issue begins and is seen in a couple panels.
Day of Vengeance #2
As a followup to Issue 1 showing the Phantom Stranger as a mouse, this issue shows the actual transformation.
Dazzler issue Unknown
Male villain possesses the body of female guard, tries to steal dazzler's body.
DC Captain Marvel issue All
Captain Marvel, a once-famous DC comics character who has been used less as of late, appears to be around the age of Batman or Superman. However, his secret identity is that of Billy Batson, a teenager, "around Robin's (Tim Drake) age", according to Batman. Upon saying the magic word "Shazam," Billy ...more
DC Comics Presents: Batman #1
In this tribute comic to Julie Schwartz, Clayface portrays both Batman and Robin in the TV series(in the comic). 'Batman' kills 'Robin', and when found out that he was both he attacks the real Batman. During the course of the fight he briefly becomes Batgirl. One panel.
DC Infinite Halloween Special #1
Animal, Male, Monster
This comic is a one-shot set with 13 mini stories. The premise of the overall storyline is that the criminals held in Arkham Asylum have broken free of their cells, but cannot yet escape. The Joker is running the show, and says that they need to wait until the shift change, so to pass the time th ...more
DC Super-Stars #18
Deadman takes over the body a young girl about to be sacrificed.
DC Universe Presents #1
In the reboot of Deadman in "The New 52" his origin is retold. He's killed by an unknown assassin and is given the gift to possess the living in order to help them. He appears to spend most of his time living their lives "Quantum Leap" style (don't worry, we don't see him instead of the possessee) ...more
Dc universe presents #19
Shape-shifting assassin disguise into beowulf's company and tried to kill beowulf. But it failed and escaped to contemporary DC universe. Then it morphed into female researcher and got away from beowulf. It saw heroes of Dc universe(Superman, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Batman) and took their appearan ...more
DC Universe: Decisions #1-4
Male, Gender
Throughout this series, several people begin to attack and kill various political candidates that are running for office in the November election in the DC Universe. Each time a person is stopped, they have no knowledge of what they had done, and have no idea how they got where they were. The Ju ...more
Dead or Alive -- A Cyberpunk Western issue #1 & #2
Bruttish male looking aliens invade a western themed planet and try to take over using stealth. They disguise themselves as women from images seemingly taken from some skin mags. Quotes: "Uhg! This form makes my back hurt..." "Quit complaining! Looking like this, we'll soon have the entire pla ...more
Legion of Super Heroes #87
DC's Deadman character possesses a nun for 3 small panels while helping 2 of the Legion characters. Very brief.
Resurrection Man #18
The Deadman character assists the title character. On the last page Deadman possesses the body of the title character's girlfriend for about 2 panels. (very brief)
Silver Age Showcase #1
Deadman briefly possesses Element Girl (Yech!) and a hot looking blonde in bed with Blackhawk. Only a head and shoulders shot of that one though. One panel each.
Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #2
Deadman shows up for the team-up in the body of a young, Goth, Co-Ed. One panel does have a reaction by the Green Lantern character to the TG.
Boston Brand, the spirit of a circus acrobat who was assassinated in mid-flight during a show. Upon his death an eastern deity named Rama-Kushna granted him the power to possess the living to balance the scales of justice. He occasionally, usually briefly, possesses women.
The Spectre Annual #1
Deadman takes over the body of a homely bag lady, and Madame Xanadu.
Adventure Comics #463
Deadman possesses his sister in-law, Inga.
Adventure Comics #462
Very briefly, Deadman possesses his niece, Lita.
Adventure Comics #461
Deadman briefly possesses girlfriend Lorna in battle with unknown assailant.
Green Lantern #93
On Halloween Deadman possesses the body of a young woman, who just happens to be wearing a Green Lantern costume, who was recently murdered in order to confront her killer.
Strange Adventures #214
Deadman jumps into a women he loves to save her life.
Strange Adventures #213
Very brief, Deadman possesses Madame Pegeen. His first female possession.
Deadman: Dead Again #1
First issue of a new series for Deadman. He is working with a midget from his circus days who is now a P.I.. Another old friend, the bearded lady, shows up to inform him of something strange going on with another couple of old friends. When he arrives at the house he ends up possessing the bearded ...more
Deadman: Dead Again #5
Final issue of miniseries has longest TG possession yet as Deadman grabs body of female from nearby health club in spandex and spends several pages having discussion with old friend and private eye. Also issue states He will be getting his own monthly series again soon. Deadman miniseries. First ...more
Deadman: Exorcism #1-#2
Possesses the body of a young wife and a female psychiatrist.
Deadpool Annual #2
Gender, Male
Deadpool has to fill in for Spider-Man when the Chameleon hits Spidey with a tranquilizer. Chammy has been turning into random people, attacking Spider-Man, then disappearing. (Spoiler Text)
Deadpool issue A Deadpool Takes A Wizard Special: You Only Die Twice
Vamp-Animus reappears for a short time in this. S/He first shows up in his/her male form and takes some files Deadpool was looking for. It turns out that s/he has been reanimated by a scientist named Arnim Zola as his bodyguard. S/he detransforms when s/he reaches Arnim's hideout, and is blown ...more
Deadpool issue Cat Magnet
In one 24-hour period, our hero, Deadpool: helps an injured elderly woman get to the hospital; has drinks with a gorgeous auburn-haired nurse; rescues a wealthy Hispanic clubgoer from her abusive date and then sleeps with her; "helps" an unlucky red-haired newcomer to New York; and gets propositione ...more
Deadpool issue Check Out the Head on THAT Chick! Man
An attractive female character called the Vamp comes on to Deadpool, then tries to rough him up. Just when it seems that Wade's got the best of her, however, she transforms into a big, hairy, muscle-bound, telekenetic freak with a giant watermelon-shaped head named Animus (who is presumably male.) ...more
Deadpool issue Deadpool
I don't know if this counts but in this issue deadpool's personalities become real one is his feminine side.
Deadpool issue It's A Barbarian Bunny- - Busty Broad Bonanza In My Brainpan- -
Deadpool needs to fight a superhero so he'll stop having hallucinations (it's a long story), so he goes to Chinatown and disguises himself as an old woman selling knick-knacks, using a holographic projector, to get Wolverine out into the opening. He harrasses Wolverine and Kitty Pryde until Wolveri ...more
Deadpool issue Johnny Handsome Bites the Dust
The person who has been impersonating the villain Titania turns out to be Deadpool's old girlfriend Vanessa Carlysle, the shapeshifter Copycat. Two brief F-to-M transformations: "Titania" morphs into a prison guard, then into Copycat; and later she impersonates Deadpool's landlord. One other tidbit: ...more
Deadpool vol 4 Issue 27
Gender, Monster, Female
It's the massive Deadpool wedding issue. Deadpool finally gets married to the succubus Shiklah, the Queen of Monsters whom DP met in Deadpool: The Gauntlet. As seen in the "Gauntlet" digital comics, Shiklah's true form is a hulking purple demon, but she can appear as a dark-haired woman. We le ...more
Deadshot #5
Last issue of the limited series. Big fight scene. One of the bad guys tries to lure out Deadshot by having his shape-shifting partner assume the shape of Deadshot's ex-wife (or girlfriend or whatever). Only appears for a couple panels like that.
Death Jr issue series
Pandora accidently travels to the future and into her Teenage body and must save Death Jr from his new arch nemesis. due out early 2007
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #4
A woman named Meifeng, codenamed Endo, was given super-speed (and other less apparent powers) when she was experimented on by the Weapon X program. The scars on her body, first seen in Issue 2, hide a secret that Endo herself does not understand until Issue 4. (Spoiler Text)
Deathblow issue Deathblow: Byblows
This is the first issue of a miniseries for this character. Several clones have been made including one female. 1 page of panels indicates that the female clone is having male memories but it is not clearly identified in this first issue
Deathblow Vol 1 #23
The female shapeshifter Double-Take, assumes the form of Diana Lassale as part of a trap to capture Backlash.
Deep Dark Fantasies issue When the Grave Gives Up
A necromancer is killed, steals body of hero's girlfriend.
The Defenders issue Divide And Conquer
Dr. Strange briefly disguises himself as an old woman in an attempt to escape from the Avengers. Recently reprinted in the Avengers-Defenders War Trade Paperback.
Defenders issue Unknown
Cloud can assume a male or female form.
Defenders, vol. 1 & 2 issue Unknown
Ruby Thursday is a sexy female mad scientest who replaced her own head with a malleable organic computer(which looks like a big red crystal ball). This makes her a perfect candidate for the freakish Headmen.
Defenders, vol. 1 & 2 issue Unknown
Arthur Nagan, the leader of the freakish Headmen, is a man who had his head transplanted onto an ape's body, and NOT by his own choice. No wonder he turned to a life of crime.
Defenders, vol. 1 issue Warm Heart Webbed Hands
Chondu, one of the Headmen, tries to infil;trate the Defenders, but fails miserably (See Male transformations). To keep him out of trouble, Dr. Strange puts his spirit into the body of a fawn.
Defenders, vol.1 issue A Game Of Musical Minds
The Headmen, a team of freaks who deserve an entry of their own, want to learn more about the Defenders. They kidnap Nighthawk and replace his brain with that of third-rate sorcerer Chondu. Chondu blows the mission and is captured, Dr. Strange puts the soul of Jack Norriss, a friend of the Defenders ...more
Defenders, vol.2 issue Unknown
Lorelei The Ice Queen is turned by her traitorous partner Pluto into a physical duplicate of the Valkyrie, but without her power and ability to speak. She is found by the original Valkyrie's friend Nighthawk who, thinking she is the original Val, gives her a job and place to stay. Lorelei returns to ...more
The Demon issue The One Who Vanished
Klorian The Witch Boy turns his pet cat Teekl into a sexy humanoid woman.
Detective Comics #471-472
Batman is captured and unmasked by Hugo Strange, a mad scientist whose uses 8-foot tall mute monsters for henchmen. Batman is held prisoner by Strange's sexy assistant, Magda. When Robin comes to save Batman, Magda decides to inject him with Strange's monster serum. However, she gets into a struggl ...more
Detective Comics #500
Deadman takes over a nurse in order to talk to Batman in the hospital.
Detective Comics #593
Madman named Stirk turns himself into a beautiful blonde in order to escape detection by a security guard. In this guise, he then shoots Batman.
Detective Comics #837
Female, Mythical, Monster
This issue is a Countdown Tie-in one-shot. ===Mythical/Monster=== Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn) is contacted by the reformed Edward Nigma (Riddler) to see if chemicals stolen from Wayne Enterprises are in an Athenian woman's refugee center. She finds the chemicals in possession of the former ...more
Detective Conan issue Unknown
Shinichi is a high school student who loves detective stories, and is actually a pretty good detective himself. One day he sees some mysterious 'men in black' commit a crime, and is spotted also. They catch him, and feed him an experimental drug which is supposed to kill him. Instead, it turns hi ...more
Dial H #3
End of the issue the newest dialer becomes a super-powered woman. The form lasts into only a few panels of the next issue.
Dick Jones issue FAN
The main character changes into woman after landing on alien planet.
Dies Ire Milo issue Unknown
A magical little girl sees a female character is wearing the mans clothes and the man is wearing females clothes, and corrects that confusing situation.
Dilbert issue 7th Book
In the 7th reprint book of Dilbert strips, there's several TG strips. The best is probably a Sunday comic that has Dilbert lacing his lunch with a fast acting estrogen. He wanted to prove that Wally was stealing his lunch, and definately succeeded.
Dilbert issue Seven Years of Highly Ineffective People
Dilbert tells a marketing guy that he's going to reprogram his computer so they radiation will alter the guy's DNA and turn him into a weasel. Since marketing people believe anything, the guy begins to change, growing wiskers and a rodent nose. In another issue, Dogbert aquires magical powers. H ...more
Dilbert issue Unknown
Dilbert goes on a blind date with a witch, who turns him into a frog. He has to put on a fake nose and go to England to get Princess Di to kiss him to change him back.
Dirty Pair issue A Plague of Angels
Male minds stored on computer chip able to take over bodies of people with built in jacks. Takes over several female bodies during the series.
Dirty Pair issue Run from the Future
Yuri wears a male body suit to infiltrate a frontier enclave.
Dirty Plotte issue Unknown
It's about all the things Julie Doucet would do if she were a man.
The Disney Afternoon issue Darkwing Duck in Megavolt Pulls A Switch
This is an adaption of the cartoon series episode in which DD and his young daughter Gosalyn swap bodies. About half of the book
A Distant Soil issue None
Bast, a female shapeshifter, becomes a male for a plan.
Doc Cyber issue Buzzboy
Doc Cyber is changed into an old woman to escape the police
Doctor Strange & Ghost Rider Special issue Unknown
Dr. Stranges apprentice Rintrah swaps forms with a woman in order to deceive an attacker. Might just be an illusion.
Doctor Who Adventures issue Number 1
In this first issue of the Doctor Who adventures, Rose and the Doctor accidently press the wrong button in the tardis and end up shrinking themselves down, then soon find the button and go back to normal. Very short, lol
Doctor Who issue Unknown
The Tom Baker era Doctor travels into a modern version of the Roman Empire. The mother of the brattish boy emperor, attractive, cruel and young, is in reality a demonic male alien named Magog.
Doctor Who Magazine issue Ophidius
Izzy, the Doctor's human companion, is tricked into switching bodies with Destrii, a blue-skinned amphibian alien female who is on the run and wants to escape detection by posing as Izzy. Although the Doctor isn't fooled by the switch, Destrii is killed in Izzy's body, leaving Izzy trapped in Destri ...more
Doctor Who: The Forgotten #6
Female, Gender
The Doctor's mind is trapped within the TARDIS matrix with a cranial parasitic alien who would like to take the Doctor's remaining regenerations. The matrix has manifested as a museum of items from the Doctor's memory and the alien is in the form of the Valeyard, an evil incarnation of the Doctor. ...more
Don Simpson's Bizarre Heroes issue Unknown
A character named the Negative Woman, is a male scientist who found a gateway to another dimension, only to return from it a seven foot tall radioactive woman.
Doom Patrol #15
The Doom Patrol (Negative Man, Robot Man, Eleastigirl) investigate a strange mutant who drained his mom's life force when he was born, killing her. The little baby ages into a boy, and then drains another victim, becoming a teenage boy who is naked, gaining the attention of a high school coach and ...more
Doom Patrol #13-#14
The Doom Patrol possess the bodies of their Silver Age counterparts and one of the female members winds up in the body of the chief! (A man in a wheelchair who founded the organization) The possession is apparently one way but we may learn more in future issues. the tg'd girl is in only a few ...more
Doom Patrol #21
First appearance of Rebis Rebis was a melding of a man and a woman (Larry Trainor and Dr. Eleanor Poole). Wasn't very pretty to look at. (a hermaphrodite, not really a transformation)
Doonsbury issue Unknown
In the 1970's, Bernie used to torment his lab partner, Mike, by using chemicals to turn himself into a werewolf.
Doonsbury issue Unknown
Boopsie, the cute California new wave girl, occationally channels 'Hunk-ra,' a ten-thousand year old warrior. He takes over her body. Boopsie occationaly sprouts fangs and a pointed tongue when this happens.
Doraemon issue Unknown
A very good item doraemon has. I hope someone send the pages here. In one of the issues Doraemon has an iten called 'Human-disguises-cloth camera' (I'm note sure of the translation). It's more like a unitard but it's fully completed. When you wear it, no matter what size you are, you have the same h ...more
Doraemon issue Unknown
Another uses of the 'Body Swapping Baton' is in this volume. Nobita and Shizuka, his friend (and his wife in the future) wants to swap themselves.After the swap, Nobita (in Shizuka's body) realize that they can't change their intelligences. He thought by switching Shizuka's body, he'll be smarter as ...more
Doraemon issue Unknown
Read this long time ago when I was a kid, so memory is kind of faded. 2 issues came to mind. One was about a body swapping baton that will swap body between the two people. Several swap took place, started with a female child pop star swap with Nobita, ending with Doraemon inside the child pop st ...more
Doraemon issue Unknown
Doraemon's "owner" Nobita invites a neighbor girl to try out Dor's body-part-switching machine.
Doraemon issue Vol. 8
In one story, Nobita and Doraemon stumble upon a beautiful teenage idol hiding out from her mother and film crew in their neighborhood. They take her to Nobita's room where they discover she's tired of the idol life and would rather give it up. Nobita seizes upon the opportunity and uses the swapp ...more
Doraemon issue Vol. 9
In a rare crossover in the fujiko Fujioverse, Kawaru/Bakeru asks for Nobita and Doraemons help in deciphering a mystery of a photograph taken in medieval Japan (predictably, they're the ones in it). During the adventure Kawaru turns into all the members of Bakeru's family. Splitting his consciousn ...more
Doraemon issue Volume 34
Another item Doraemon has is the 'Changing Potion'. Nobita transform into a horse but was a bit too late to transform. So he drank all the potions in the box. Now he change by thinking or automatically. He transform into a rabbit,an elephant, a lion, a black panther, a gorilla, a cat, a crocodile, a ...more
Dr Slump - Volume 12: "The Kon-Kon Helmet"
Senbei, scared of being revealed as a pervert invents a helmet, which when you write someones name on a leaf and place it in the top of the helmet you transform into them Transformations include Senbei into Midori Gatchan into Midori Midori into Senbei Only Short next story they are all ba ...more
Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil #1
Gender, Male
Dr. Doom summons Spider-Man's greatest nemeses, the Sinister Six, to steal a component from Stark Industries. Mysterio uses his illusion-projecting abilities, aided by a hallucinogenic fog, to disguise himself and the other five villains. (Spoiler Text)
Dr. Fate Vol.2
Dr. Fate II was created by the melding of 2 people, male and female (Eric and Linda Strauss). The gender of Dr. Fate was controlled by the one initiating the merging. ?A criss causes an imbalance that changes Fate into a woman.?
Dr. Occult
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
shares Clea's body while fighting Silver Dagger
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
Dormannu exchanges Dr. Strange's consciousness with Clea (his beautiful sister) to disorient them.
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
Mordu possesses Morganna's body
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
Strange's spirit possesses a female friend to give himself CPR. Brief.
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
Possesses Morganna's body when his is badly wounded, then next issue Sara Wolfe
Dr. Strange issue Unknown
A villian traveling back in time possesses a woman.
DragonHalf issue Unknown
In this spoof or D&D RPG (anime and manga) mother of hero Mink is an Amcient Red Dragon, which can change into human by will. So she does many times. Mother of anti-hero was a Slime, which becomes human by drinking magical PIDO potion. TF's are (Poof!) type, but movie is good. A mercenary knight k ...more
The Dreaming issue The Gyres Part One: "Slow Dying"
The character Echo(a transvestite who has been a thorn in the side of the denizens of the Dreaming for a while) is killed in this issue. Instead of going with Death, he runs away and ends up in the Dreaming, as a woman now. He remains a woman for the rest of the series,.
Dungeons & Dragons (2010) #2
Gender, Male
Kurche, a doppelganger wizard responsible for turning an orphanage's children into zombies in Issue 1, fights the adventurers at the beginning of the comic. He mimics Khal, the group's dwarf paladin, and later distracts the tiefling Tisha by morphing into her sister Tara. Both TFs are very brief, b ...more
Dungeons & Dragons Saturday Morning Adventures
In this 4-issue series based on the 80s cartoon, Dungeonmaster's young pupils are brought through a portal to Waterdeep by a young sorceress, Phaelona, with wild magic to help her break a curse that keeps her trapped in a monastery. (Spoiler Text)
Dynamo 5 #19
The identity of Vigil, the female vigilante who made her debut in Issue #14, is finally revealed... (Spoiler Text)
Dynamo 5 #22
Animal, Gender
F.L.A.G. Agent Augie Ford tells the scientists in the lab he needs to bring the Dynamo gun to Washington at the director's orders. But "Augie" is really... (Spoiler Text) Later, as Dynamo 5 fights a formidable villain, Myriad injects himself with a drug he's been taking to increase his speed ...more
Dynamo 5 #5
We discover the identity of Captain Dynamo, who has returned from the dead. (Spoiler Text)
Dynamo 5 issue 2
Animal, Male, Gender
The five (illegitimate) children of recently deceased superhero Captain Dynamo each inherited one of his five powers. Spencer Bridges, a black man, earned the codename Myriad for gaining the ability to shapeshift. In issue 2, he uses his ability to mimic the son of a former supervillain in the mi ...more