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Category: 'Book'
Gabe Hudson book Dear Mr. President
This is a collection of short stories relating to the Gulf War, many of which appear to have fantasy elements. Publishers Weekly describes one of the stories: "Cross Dresser" takes the form of a former POW's letter to his shrink after he switches bodies with his 13-year-old daughter to elude his ...more
Gabriel Garcia Marquez book Various
In several of his stories, Garcia Marquez describes a woman who was turned into a human-headed spider (or scorpion) for disobeying her parents.
Gael Baudino book DragonSword
During a war, a wizard turns the other sides elite soldiers into young women. Several of them also appear in the two sequals "Duel of Dragons", and "Dragon Death".
Gardiner, John Reynolds 'Top Secret'
A boy invents a formula that makes him slowly turn into a plant. His skin turns green, he stops eating, and starts to grow roots. Eventually the government takes notice and gives him some pills to cure the condition. He decides to get some revenge on his science teacher who called the whole plant f ...more
Gary Gygax book Greyhawk Adventures 2 : Artifact of Evil
The main character is a thief who comes upon a ring that allows him to tranform into various felines.
Gary Jenning book The Journeyer
The book is a retelling of the story of Marco Polo, with a lot of sex of all sorts thrown in. In the middle of the book, Marco takes a potion that turns him into a big breasted women.
Gayle Lynds book Masquerade
A young woman a cousin of the daughter of an Assassin is forcible with advantage technics tunred into the double of the daughter and brain washed and with her memory removed and made to think she is the girl. They're going to use her to kill the man. Well written, exciting book
Gender Blender book Blake Nelson
Teenage boy and girl swap bodies and have to deal with each others problems. you can look it up with google.
Gene Wolfe book Soldier of the Mist
A sorceror who changes sex somewhere in the first third.
Geoff Ryman book The Warrior Who Carried Life
Female warrior becomes male to save her people.
George Alec Effinger book The Zork Chronicles: More than just the game
Benevolent shapechanger Glorian returns (he previously appeared in Heroics) and appears in one chapter in the form of Katherine Hepburn cira 1950.
George Alec Effinger book Heroics
82-year-old Irene well looking for an author is changes into a man. Is later changed into a young man.
George Alec Effinger book When Gravity Fails
Set in a cyberpunk-style future where surgical sex changes are common.
George J. Brewer book "I.D."
Student Jim Martin volunteers for an ESP research project with Professor Maloney, and gets the shock of his life when he wakes up in his professor's body. Jim is the victim of a plot to steal his identity, and now must fight to save even his new life.
George MacBeth book The Transformation
Sebring wakes up to discover he has become Alcestis, the woman he loves.
George R. R. Martin book Inside Straight
Male, Gender
In classic spy films like the James Bond movies, characters typically include the suave, witty hero, the seductive femme fatale and the ruthless henchman/assassin. Near the end of "Inside Straight", you learn that British ace spy Noel Matthews... (Spoiler Text)
George R.R. Martin (editor) book Wild Cards: Black Trump
In the third book of the 'New Cycle' series, shapeshifting detective Jerry Strauss(aka Mr. Nobody) impersonates three different women throughout. First is former reporter Hannah Davis, so that he could be arrested and taken to where all the other arrested Wild Cards are so that they can be rescued ...more
Geraldine McCaughrean book Peter Pan in Scarlet
Age, Gender
In this licensed sequel to the orignal book, the original lost boys are having very dangerous dream about Neverland. Every time they wake up, a memento of Neverland is left in their beds. They head for neverland after captuing a fairy and borrowing their children's clothes. Because of the magic ...more
The Giant Garden of Oz book Eric Shanower
A new Oz book written and illustrated by Eric Shanower, who is an excellent artist. In it, Dorothy and some friends have to travel through a gigantic garden, which probably doesn't qualify as being shrunk, but later on in the book Dorothy and some other characters grow to be giants. This can be ...more
Ginger Simpson book Beside Myself
The newspaper headlines that a serial killer is on the loose in Cynthia's neighbourhood and the victims bear a striking resemblance to her. Fortunately her handsome neighbor is a police officer. But their first kiss deals them a startling jolt when they experience a body transference. Now he has to ...more
Glen Cook book Dread Brass Shadows
By use of a magic book one of the men in the books turns himself into a beautiful woman. Later he is killed while female and slowly begins to change back to male form. When he is found he's half and half.
Goosebumps : The Barking Ghost
Two male criminals die and their spirits possess the ghost dogs. They eventually and are freed 200 years later and trick two kids, a boy and girl, into coming to the tree, which has ability to swap souls. Now the boy and girl become spirit dogs. They have to trick enemies to come into same tree ag ...more
Goosebumps book Chicken Chicken
In the book and girl and her sister make a witch angry and a result she turns them into chickens(the animals) by saying chicken chicken. They transform slowly throughout the book. When they do become chickens they sneak in the witches house and look through her spell book to find a way to turn back. ...more
Goosebumps book Haunted Mask 2
A boy puts on an old man mask and feels like one.
Goosebumps episode My Hairiest Adventure
Larry starts growing hair all over his body after her rubs instant tanning lotion on himself, he thinks the hair is due to the lotion but his parents reveal to him that (Spoiler Text)
Gordon R. Dickson book The Dragon Knight series
A series of wonderful fantasy books in which a modern college man and his fiance are separately transported into an alternate universe of the middle ages wherein she retains human form but he winds up in the body of a dragon. This is the first book. in the 2nd -9th book he gains the ability to tur ...more
Gore Vidal book Myra Breckinridge
Basis for the movie of the same name.
Gore Vidal book Myron
Surreal sequal to Myra Breckinridge.
Gracie McKeever book New Life Incognita
A dying black young man wakes up in the body of a married white woman!
Graham Joyce book The Tooth Fairy
Sam, a boy growing up outside Coventry, England in the late 1950's, makes the mistake of seeing the Tooth Fairy the night he puts a tooth under his pillow. The Tooth Fairy first appears androgynous, and then male several times afterward. But as Sam hits puberty, the Tooth Fairy begins to appear to h ...more
Grant Naylor book Better Than Life
Arnold Rimmer is once again a victim of his own self-destructive nature while playing a virtual-reality game. For several chapters he is trapped in the body of a buxom peroxide-blonde hooker named Trixie LaBouche.
Greer, Gary, and Ruddick, Bob book Max and Me and the Time Machine
Two young boys named Max and Steven buy a second hand time machine and travel back to the middle ages. Steven winds up in the body of a knight. Max is not so lucky and ends up in his horse.
Greg Bear book Blood Music
A short story that grew into a book, Blood Music deals with a biochemist researcher who is fired, and takes his work with him by injecting it into himself. Bad idea, as these microscopic entities are becoming intelligent and as they spread begin treating and changing human bodies much the same way ...more
Greg Bear book Eon
In the distant future, people can control the shape of their bodies. Many choose utilitarian forms that do not resemble humans.
Greg Gordon book Unknown
Male Necromancer possesses the body of the queen for most of the 3 volumes.
Greg Stolze book Godwalker
It was once a shy, confused woman named Chris, but now the being known as The Freak is far more than that. It is the Godwalker - the human embodiment - of the Mystic Hermaphrodite. But unlike its godwalker predecessors - or other characters in the novel who may yet displace it as the Mystic Hermap ...more
Gregory Benford and Gordon Eklund book Find the Changeling
Two Earthmen hunt a humanoid shapeshifter on an alien planet. The Changeling is male for most of the book, but becomes female near the end. In one other scene, the Changeling observes two humans having sex and briefly reminisces about a time it became a woman, and pregnant.
Gregory Benford book Across The Sea of Suns
During a long space voyage some crew members alter their forms. The hero's female friend alters her genders.
Gregory Charles Erickson book Happy Anniversary Cosmic Sponge
When small-town teenager Larry Hibbs assaulted and raped young Patty Mattingly in 1949, his mind somehow took over her body while his body died. "Happy Anniversary Cosmic Sponge" is the story of how the being who was once Larry takes over the bodies of countless men and women through the years - al ...more
Gregory McDondald book Fletch and the Widow Bradley
Ace reporter Flech is fired and blacklisted for quoting recent memos of an industrialist who died years ago. Or did he die? By far, the best realistic TG I've read.
H. G. Wells book The Invisible Man
Mad scientist makes himself invisible. Then he can't change back, making it hard to get served at hotels.
H.C. Turk book Ether Ore
Some people in the story have been operated on by a device called a 'concept surgeon'. Including a 30 year old man whose concept was changed to an 18 year old big breasted woman.
H.G. Wells book The Island of Dr. Moreau
The mad Dr. Moreau changes various animals into people. They retain some animal-like qualities, however, such as eating raw meat and sniffing each other's butts.
Hajime book "Part Time Princess"
This may be out of the scope of this site, since it's a Japanese novel (with illustrations, but still a novel, not a comic book). A Japanese boy suddenly starts switching minds with a princess in some fantasy land every day. The first time is just 10 minutes, the next day 12 minutes, and it soo ...more
Hank Stine book Season Of The Witch
As punishment, a rapist is put in the body of his victim and left to get on with his life.
Harmony Laine book Detained at Pleasure (in 2 parts
The sad story of Martin (once a fine man .. now an elaborately altered and beautiful woman) and the reactions of his friends, incarcerated in the prison from which there seems no escape!
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
Male, Gender, Female
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Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
Malfoy uses stolen polyjuice potion to turn his male friends Crabbe and Goyle into young girls to act as look outs for him.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book
Since you have to be of a certain age to enter the Triwizard Tournament, pranksters Fred and George attempt the trick the charms surrounding it by giving themselves an aging potion to make them age about one year. When they enter the area to put their names in, the protecting charms cause Fred and ...more
Hart, Chris, Manga Mania Occult & Horror: How to Draw the Elegant and Seductive
Mythical, Animal
This book is a guide to drawing cartoon characters in the style of manga. There is a section showing people changing into animals. It's short, so I wouldn't buy it for the transformations alone, but it's a great book in general, like most of Hart's work.
Haruka Fukushima book Instant Teen: Just Add Nuts
Natsumi Kawashima, an energetic fifth-grader, is obsessed with her fantasy of being the ideal, sexy woman. Rejected at every advance by the cute guys that she fawns over, she finally gets a break when she picks up a package of mysterious pink nuts that are "adults only". Eating these nuts causes ...more
Harukarin Nakagawa book Harukarin Blog
This Japanese book takes the story of a web log about a man whose girlfriend informs him that she is a lesbian. He dutifily undergoes a sex change so she will still love him. Though the book is allegedly true, many people doubt its authenticity.
Appeared in Jan. 2002 written by Michael Wallner Two women. Karo, a fat woman, afflicted by her unpurified skin, the other woman, Michaela is an attractive one. Karo decides to go into a beauty farm, there she gets a very extraodanery offer, to swap the body with Michaela Masur. At first Karo i ...more
Hayford Peirce book Phylum Monsters
The main character's "anima" is transfered into the body of a beautiful woman while working with an ancient Martian mind.
Hayford Peirce book Stockbroker in Orbit Jonathan White
In his market research, Jonathan White, ethical stockbroker, discovers a fly-by-night company selling a complete, genetic sex change procedure. He considers undergoing the process to get closer to his beloved lesbian girlfriend, then instead gives the pills to a leering, crooked, fellow broker, who ...more
"He Died in Childbirth" by Victor Farrell
I finally bought this at Amazon so it does exist. It's available in softcover and can be downloaded by computer as well. It's a well done mystery style story with an additional fantasy element... A one night stand steals his body, leaving him abandoned in her pregnant body! The rest of the book ...more
Hedvig Johnson book Rose Petal Place: Love Helps You Grow
Rose Petal Place is a garden where a group of fairies, each a tiny teenaged girl, spread beauty and love. One day, Orchid feels as if her friend Rose Petal pays more attention to the other fairies than to her. The book series villain, the spider Nastina, gives Orchid a potion to drink and tells her ...more
Henry Slesar book The Bridge of Lions
This is basically a mystery with sci-fi overtones. The hero hunts for the secret behind an age-slowing process that was pioneered by (I think) the Nazis. Side effect proves to be that the treatment also slowly changes male subjects to females. One of the main female characters proves to have been ...more
Hey, Al
"Hey, Al" is a children's storybook about a janitor named Al and his dog Eddie. Both live in NYC and are quite unhappy with thier spot in life...until one day a giant bird pops in Al's window and offers to take them away from it all. They accepts and the birds take them away to a floating island in ...more
"Hide & Shriek II" by R. L. Stine
Ghost of boy posseses other's bodies, changing in hide & seek game on his birthday. Manges to steal new girl's body and force her out just before his scheduled game. Minimal TG discussion, except for selecting her favorite dress. No sex(Children's book) Included primarily for completeness.
Holly Black book Tithe : A Modern Faerie Tale
Sixteen-year-old Kaye Fierch is not human, but she doesn't know it. Sure, she knows she's interacted with faeries since she was little--but she never imagined she was one of them, her blond Asian human appearance only a magically crafted cover-up for her true, green-skinned pixie self.
Hope and Red by Jon Skovron
In the book the empire has a group of mage-scientists known as Biomancers. They use their powers to alter people in their twisted experiments. Chimera:: (Spoiler Text) Gender: (Spoiler Text)
"Hopscotch" by Kevin J. Anderson
Upcoming novel set in the future when characters may swap bodies.
Hugh Deacon book Designed to Be Female (part 1-2)
John Wren is a Private Detective engaged to find a missing wife, a job which involves him in cross-dressing to get into a private club where he is sure he will find the delectable Helen. But she finds him first and feeds him a drugged drink. He wakes in her private sanatorium where he appears to hav ...more
Explanation of the category 'Book'

Published text on paper bound between hard cover or in paperback.

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