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Category: 'Adult'
Curse of the Were-Woman
Gender, Were
He couldn't resist her. She was just so beautiful. So magical. So seductive. He knew that if they ever had sex, she would slowly drain him of his masculinity -- that was, after all, what this were-woman did. She was a supernatural creature who sexually fed on the male life force. And if she drained ...more
Deep Space 69 episode Herman
Female, Animal
Hamilton, the talking koala sidekick, adopts a furry alien pet which he names Herman. That doesn't sit well with Jay, as a pet cramps his style with the ladies. But the pet is about to go through a few changes in just a week's time... (Spoiler Text)
Erotic Karma
Soft-core adult film with voodoo and body swapping.
Mastermind's Mutants
Animal, Female, Furry, Monster
A time-traveling super hero, shape-shifting actress, and telekinetic friend use a magical crystal to open portals to other worlds -- searching for a way to stop a mind-controlling super villain from turning everyone on Earth into mutant slaves. Along the way, they discover an ancient alien secre ...more
After receiving a mysterious package, the young 'cute character' illustrator, Mee is found slowly transforming into a Fennec Fox. As she treks through Downtown Tokyo, taking the subways, walking through crowds, Mee must endure painfully embarrassing transformations as her genetic makeup shifts fr ...more
My Pet Girlfriend
Sam has a boring day at work, until an unexpected tip starts turning her into a feline. She rushes to the safety of her boyfriend, who consoles her. But... the transformation isn`t over.
My Pet Girlfriend II
The exciting conclusion to "My Pet Girlfriend"! Sam and Daisy find themselves tricked by an old foe, and forced to transform! Along the way questions are finally answered, love is rekindled, and enemies meet face to face. 28 pages total including tons of bonus anthro TF art suggested by you, the re ...more
Resurrecting Jessica
After the death of his mom and sister, a young man does all he can to keep his relationship with his father alive. But little does he know that his father, in deep mourning over the loss of both women, is willing to do ANYTHING to bring one of them back. Strangely, and very slowly, the son becomes ...more
TG Creation
A site containing videos edited together to create TG themes, primarily containing adult content. Created by Lilac Wren.
The Doctor Whore Porn Parody
From Lee Roy Myers, who also directed a Buffy the Vampire Slayer porn parody, we get a Doctor Who spoof that puts the "horny" into "timey wimey." Science fiction has never been this sexy! Explore the universe, from the deepest, tightest black holes all the way to Planet Queef, with the most inf ...more
Animal, Furry, Gender
Yiffstar is a huge furry related website. They have pictures,stories, and a few other media types. They are a free site, and most of the material is adult only. The content there spans many more categories, but they would take all year to post using my psp.