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Comment: Fables: Legends in Exile, "Unknown"
Fables: Legends in Exile
Fables: Legends in Exile is by Bill Willingham I didn't get to read much, but I know that there is a werewolf as one of the characters. I thumbed through it at Barnes and Nobel. Someone else might be able to write a more detailed review.
From: guest , 215 months, post #1
The character youre thinking of is Bigby Wolf. Hes the Big Bad Wolf from every Fairytale. Son of the Northwind and a normal wolf. The Northwind is where he gets his huffing and puffing power.

Hes usually in human form so to blend in with the Mundies. (Normal people). But he can switch back and forth and doesnt really consider himself a human. Theres a whole community of non-human fables living in upstate New York because for one reason or another they cant get thier hands on a glamour from Fabletowns magic users. (Including the Dark Forest Witch from Hansel and Gretel)

Its a great series. The basic story is theres someone called the Adversary and hes conquering all the kingdoms from storybooks. A bunch of refugees from the wars mange to take a gate in to the normal world and form a community in New York city. In the begining Old King Cole is the Mayor. Snow White is the deputy Mayor. Bigby is the police.

The characters arent just from Grimms either. Narnia and Oz were two of the first to fall and now the war is on to Sinbad and Ali Baba. Sorry for the huge post but I really like this series.

From: Bieeanda , 215 months, post #2
Good synopsis, Guest. I wrote a review myself the other day, but I'm not sure if it got eaten by the system or if it's waiting to be vetted by one of the admins.

It's a really entertaining series up until around issue 50, but I'm personally not really keen on what's happened since... or the Jack of Fables spin-off that's recently come out.

From: guest , 215 months, post #3
I didn't like Jack of Fables until I saw the villian. Someone thats the personification of the force thats responsible for making all fiction politically correct? Haven't you always wanted to smack who ever is responsible for digitally remastering the guns in ET in to walkie talkies? Took out making fun of crossdressing nazis in Bugs Bunny? Gave Red Riding Hood a happy ending?

From: KitsuneKit , 215 months, post #4
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's "Vertically Challenged Native American Riding Hood and the Endangered Wolf"
Remember we want to keep things PC around here.

From: guest , 215 months, post #5

I just got around to reading Fables 53. A bunch of issues back Bigby had a liter of cubs with another human fable. The cubs were born wolves except 1 but can shift back and forth between human and wolf.

After he evades being eaten by Brer Wolf and Isengrim Peter Cotten Tail is hired by Bigby to be mock prey for his cubs so they can learn hunting and chasing.

A couple little side things Theres a character named Flycatcher because he eats flies. It was a while ago but I think if he doesnt he turns in to a frog which he did last issue.

Theres a funny little bit where a porcupine convinces a girl to give him a big sloppy kiss with the enchanted price line. After she runs away with both hands stuck by needles he explains to the Gingerbread man and Chicken Ripple that he was actually cursed by a witch only the curse was in his words a perverse attraction to human women.

You know its a pretty fun book but seeing it in the cliff notes version like this it sort of sounds like an acid trip. And its not even a Grant Morrison book.

From: Bieeanda , 215 months, post #6
I liked the Jack preview that came with a recent issue of Fables, but what's come since has left a lot to be desired. The setting, as it is, reads like The Prisoner crossed with Bradbury's Usher Two-- and while Jack and Number Six are both self-assured SOBs, what charisma Jack had seems to have been left behind in Fabletown. Besides that,Click to show spoiler
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