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From: guest (lordofswap) , 115 months, post #81
Message deleted by Lady Sekhmet. Posting personal information is a very bad idea on a public forum. Additionally, we have no way of verifying the number belongs to the poster, doubly so since this is a guest account.
From: guest , 115 months, post #82
Sigh, I do feel sorry for people that trust more in faith in magic then science... One day this may all be possible but it will require understanding the brain rather then some quick fix spell or potion.

From: cj , 115 months, post #83
I can't believe someone posted their phone number. lordofswap must want to swap more than I do. :-)

From: guest (Cleo Kraft) , 115 months, post #84
The best chance for a true sex change is for scientists to nail down strings in string theory. Then you could find out the string vibration of whatever woman you want and use that "melody" to vibrate your own strings to the same tune and become her. I'd read that it's theoretically possible to change a wooden chair into a potted plant this way, so why not a sex change? The only question I'd have about it is would identity death be an issue here.

From: guest , 115 months, post #85
String theory is just as stupid as a magic potion in my opinion, for a start they would be to small to ever be able to measure let alone manipulate, might as well go for time travel and go back to conception and pick a different sperm...

Theoretical physics is not the solution to gender change, biological 3D printing maybe, Stem cell research maybe, a better understanding of the brain and spine yes, nanobots controlled by computer surgeons yes... There are developing practical sciences that will allow gender change one day without the need for some mystical theoretical or magical transformation to take place.

Sorry but don't waste a life dreaming of impossibilities when you could spend it researching actual ways to change your gender, also definatly don't give anyone money for a 'magic option' or any other quick fix as they are all cons... You would be better off spending that money on educating yourself in a relavent biology disapline then maybe you will be at the front of the line when it comes to human trials.

That's my opinion anyway, not wanting to upset anybody.

From: cj , 115 months, post #86
"... they would be to small to ever be able to measure let alone manipulate..."

Perhaps at this point in time. But who knows what the future holds?

"... don't waste a life dreaming of impossibilities when you could spend it researching actual ways to change your gender..."

How do you think that research starts? It usually starts with an "impossible" dream.

Oh... and science, medicine, and technology are decades away from being able to "change my gender" to my satisfaction. And by the time that they have crossed that hurdle - then I'll have to wait for them to figure out the age-regression - certainly wouldn't be much fun for me to be an old woman without getting to be a young woman first.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 115 months, post #87
I maintain that the most achievable means of transformation available to us is partial brain transplantation. Transplant only the higher brain structures such as the cerebrum onto the existing brain stem, cerebellum, and limbic system. This would conceivably preserve motor and reflex functions as well as procedural memory (those things we tend to do on autopilot - like walking) of the host body as well as basic emotional responses while preserving the conscious mind of the person being transplanted in.

That's a massive oversimplification of course but the basic premise is sound. It requires only an advancement in neuroscience along the lines of spinal chord repair which is being actively worked on with no small measure of success. The brains inherent ability for repair and to reroute around damaged tissue makes this even more plausible.

Any volunteers for testing? Will need an equal number of male and female participants so there will be a "ladies transplant for free" every thursday night offer :)

From: guest , 115 months, post #88
Well I know enough about the Heisenberg principle to know that anything smaller then a water molecule will be very hard to play with and string theory is insanely smaller then that, smaller even then the 10^-16 m limit. Theoretically as tiny as 10^-35 meters... I think we will have discovered if god exists before we ever detect anything that small let alone manipulate it... And with what I'd ask? Matter isn't small enough to even consider it... Relativistic effects would be immense.

Sorry don't think I'm having a moan, I just have a professional gripe with the general publics lack of understanding of string theory.

The partial brain transfusion would be good though, I can see that working. Also the developments in growing new limbs with 3D printers looks achievable. As for age, if you can grow a limb why not a 3 year old girl? Morally people may take issue, also if people live forever they may ban reproduction, at least until space travel is proved / disproved to be feasible.

Would you still be you if your body was changed though is another argument, I'd say no, you would quickly become someone else. People are forever changing, your not you from ten years ago, that person is dead. Your some new person with some of the memories of that ten years younger you, maybe you share some tastes and interests, but that wasn't guaranteed as time and experience ravaged you body and your brain. As such I think some kind of memory transplants are more likely in the future, total recall style, either giving a man the memories of being a woman or if willing swapping a man and woman's memories to give them both the feeling of being body swapped.

As a non believer in the soul I'd be happy with that, heck even if the soul did exist I'd rather mine was happy with the memories of a woman who grew up wishing she was a man and now is then of a man wishing he were a woman.

I don't mind fantasy and fetish, any sci fi / mystical or magical plot device is great, but in real life please don't be expecting teleport devices, magic options, reality manipulating music etc to be real, more importantly don't buy into anyone who says they can break the laws of nature.

Well obviously you can if you want, I'd just hate anyone to waste their money and feel disappointment after.

Personally I'd hope for full immersion virtual reality within the next twenty years and stick with the films less likely computer games that will follow.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 115 months, post #89
Your brain may change, and new brain cells may grow into it, but I highly doubt you lose the old ones. That old saying about how "every 7 years every cell in your body is replaced. Therefore, you are essentially a clone of yourself" isn't exactly accurate then. Your body is a clone but your brain still retains the same information therefore it's still the same brain from your early childhood. Some parts deep inside remain the same, even though newer memories, experiences, and developments change the you who you are now. Sometimes when you sleep you can experience these differences. Once you wake up you realize just how much you've changed over the years.
It truly is freaky.

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