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Realities of life as a female
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From: guest (Goofus McDoofus) , 190 months, post #21
I'll just point out that if anyone, post-surgical or not, were to come here and say that the shade of someone's skin looked "silly" -- or the color of their eyes or hair, the size of their nose, the texture of their hair, their height, the acuity of their vision, or anything else that was genetically-programmed into the person's physical whole --, I'm sure there would be plenty of outraged responses. But somehow it's okay to make fun of male reproductive organs.

Since the human race doesn't reproduce parthenogenicly, the testicles have to be separated from the main portion of the body for sperm to develop normally, and this genetic material then has to be introduced into the uterus in SOME fashion, I believe that the human race owes a big round applause to the "silly-looking" male equipment. Goofus McDoofus.

From: guest (G7subs) , 190 months, post #22
Take it easy Goofus! Why are you feeling insulted by someones opinion on a message board?

From: guest (freeballer) , 190 months, post #23
settle down goofus, lol
it's someone's opinion in the post, don't get so easily offended by what amounts to an opinion and observation she had.. When u think about it, both male and female bodies have little quirks about it.. and are simply nature's design. To be frank if I was turned female, without any mind changes, I'd find them kinda silly..... But then again I'd wanna be lesbian :-/

But is nothing to get worked up over

From: guest (uri) , 190 months, post #24
Freeballer -- In keeping with the original question, I think your list of surprises might include almost everything about what it is like to be a lesbian. ^.^

I am pretty much 50-50 bisexual, but the transphobia and the unending drama of the lesbian dating scene is too scary for me. The joke about driving a U-haul to a second date has more than a grain of truth in it, and lesbian breakups can be truly terrifying.

What is more, you might have to sit through a significant amount of dialogue and emotional processing (seriously, that is a real thing), before you even get to second base.

From: guest (back off) , 190 months, post #25
This is a great conversation, too bad too many are making light of it or getting way off topic. One thing I would say and was kind of mentioned is, if a man were magically changed into a woman, he/she would be introduced to how complex relationships are with other females. Would say that most men are totally unaware of how deep and complex relationships among women are. Everything from just casual conversation with other women to the realtionship with a best girlfriend.

From: guest (freeballer) , 190 months, post #26
your right, I'm sure there is alot of emotions. I'm not sure what the uhaul ref is for, I'm guessing moving in thou from the post. And I can imagine that being alot of emotions in any relationship (and please don't think I'm sexist) but perhaps a bit more with women..
But in a way, I don't know how the relationships wuld be like.. it's kinda hard to imagine as I don't have alot of basis for comparison really

From: guest (uri) , 190 months, post #27
freeballer -- the joke, actually a riddle, is usually cast as a variation on:

Q: What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
A: A moving van.

And yes, the humorous observation here is that lesbians tend to move in together very early in relationships,

And it isn't that there are "a lot of emotions", it is that there is A LOT of analysis and discussion about every thing either person in a relationship says or does. It is that everything said or done is fitted, very deliberately and after the fact, into a particular scheme of sexual identity/gender politics. This is referred to -- at least by lesbians of my generation -- as "processing".

"back off" I don't know that relationships between women are, necessarily, more complex than relationships between men. Women, in general, are more sensitive than men to non-verbal cues about another person's emotional state -- and women are socialized to exhibit emotion more than men.

While I do not think that the accuracy of my perception regarding the emotions of others has improved that much in the decade or so that I have been dosing with estrogen, my awareness of other people's emotional state has been heightened. That is to say, I find that I notice when the people around me appear to be happy or sad, relaxed or upset, etc. My own emotions have certainly become more friable, and more visible.

I saw a documentary about transmen a few years ago, where they tested this emotional perception in an MTF as his levels of circulating testosterone increased. He was shown pictures of women's faces and asked to offer an opinion of the emotional state of each subject. He became less confident in his responses as his HRT continued. Eventually, he simply could not answer the question. It was as if he'd gone blind.

There was also an episode of the National Public Radio program "This American Life" on the theme of testosterone. They interviewed a transman who reported that he found his own emotional responses became flatter, and his sensitivity to the emotions of others was numbed, as a result of his HRT.

Since it is very much the stereotype, I don't know that our transformed man would be *surprised* by the fact that women spend more time than men thinking about, and talking about, the internal lives of other people. It would, however, be interesting to see if a man, suddenly transformed into a woman, just as suddenly became aware of the emotions of others -- and how she would react to this sudden increase in information.

From: guest (Penny) , 190 months, post #28
Shoes! If a man were to magically become a woman they would discover the importance of womens shoes (and how too many hurt). Men have heard about it but do not know the reality

From: guest (JK) , 123 months, post #29
As stated earlier, A man really only thinks of breasts when he sees them or wants to think about them, he does not think about how a woman lives with them 24 hours a day in everything she does.

The other day I was watching a young women with a nice figure pushing a stroller, she seemed to be about a 34C, and even though she had a light bra on, her breasts were still moving a good bit. To have that be your life everyday would be quite a wake up call to a man who has become a woman, and what the new she will face every day..

From: guest (kathy) , 123 months, post #30
I had only one surprise (given that I had read so much before transition)... that it's a big mistake to go on a wooden roller coaster without a decent bra.

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