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What types of struggles and adjustments do you like to see a swapped character..
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From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #1
deal with? What struggles and adjustments do you like to see a character that's been swapped or transformed into the opposite gender deal with? Do you like seeing a guy in a woman's body struggle with the physical aspects like (periods, sitting down to pee, clothes, loss of physical strength, being a hottie) of being a woman or the emotional, mental, and societal aspects of being a woman?

I personally love seeing a guy struggle with the physical aspects especially with wearing women's clothes and shoes. It's kind of hot. I love seeing a male character feel uncomfortable in a woman's body especially when the male is a womanizer and manwhore.
A good example of what I'm talking about is in Please Come Back Mister. I loved how there was a running joke/gag in which Hong Nan/Gi-Tak would dig his panties out of his butt when he was walking while wearing a dress and pantyhose. I also loved how Gi-Tak was a tough macho guy in his past life but was okay with getting pretty and dressed up in short tight dresses, pantyhose, and heels as Hong Nan.

From: guest (leon) , 92 months, post #2
Basically, anything involving how their new self is perceived by the people around them, and how they struggle with finding what works and what doesn't for his or her new identity. I love reading about how they adjust themselves and learn to play their new "strengths" where they simply couldn't before their change. It can involve a promotion/demotion of their current status and how they have to cope with their new position.

From: guest , 92 months, post #3
I think my sheer hunger to become a real woman makes me imagine myself in the character's situation and not want her struggles to be too bad, just as I'd want things to go smoothly for a newly female me. Can't sympathize with her typical desire to change back, of course, but do want her to have a proper new identity as her new self, just as I'd want one.

I suspect that my ideal guy-becomes-gal movie wouldn't appeal to a wide audience.

From: guest (KJ) , 92 months, post #4
Their now having a mind being washed with female hormones, and how they deal with different thoughts, views, attractions, etc.

From: Monsta , 92 months, post #5
I enjoy the idea of a couple having to adjust to one or both of the partners being altered in some way, swapping related or otherwise. Having the couple's default physical attraction erased or distorted and then seeing them succeeding or failing to re-establish intimacy given their new situation is fascinating. It's an exploration of human attraction and emotional bonding, using methods not attainable in real life.

Imagine a young 20 something heterosexual couple where the male was swapped with a 38 year old woman. How would the couple move past this? Could they move past it?

If they remained together is it proof our love for each other is more significant than our biology? If they broke up does it mean we are merely acting out embellishments of our basic reproductive instincts? In any case, focusing on a relationship in this way, seeing it in that light makes you think about things you wouldn't otherwise be able to ponder in normal circumstances. And thinking in a way that's well outside your normal daily experience is always refreshing.

From: guest (powerfuldarkmagic) , 92 months, post #6
Monsta, I love your comments.

I really enjoying reading stories where a happy, healthy relationship is challenged due to transformation. It's interesting to explore the complex link between love, physical attraction, and societal pressures when someone is transformed.

Do you have any story recommendations?

(By the way, "A Chosen Fate" is one of my favorite all-time stories! I hope you'll be posting more stories in the near future.)

From: Forestier , 92 months, post #7
To get surprised every morning, as she forgot being a woman during sleep.
Not to be taken seriously anymore by coworkers.
To get looked at by men...
To get remarks on her look and to have to adapt...

From: guest (Dee Cypher) , 92 months, post #8
I write a lot about the frustration of having a less-athletic body. Something about conceding to a softer, curvier, older body piques my interest. I've often thought about why this interests me so much, and all I can come up with is that the shock of the change impacts not only a person's physical sense, but also their entire identity.

That is to say, two teenagers switching places is shocking. However, a teenager switching with an older adult changes not only their physical body, but also forces the individual to cope with a entire new set of social rules, cues, and relationships.

From: Forestier , 92 months, post #9
To guest (Dee Cypher):

A woman can be as athletic as a man. Not as strong, though, but strength isn't everything.

From: guest (Damn the Dam) , 92 months, post #10
To Forestier:

Dee didn't mention about gender being the main determinant of athleticism though. Noted the word "older" is included, so he is just laying out his specific preference for swap, not that he think all swap stories ought to be be like that. Just like if I say that I like swap stories between a fat rich guy and a skinny poor guy, that doesn't mean I think all rich guys are fat or all poor guys are skinny, it just mean that I like swap between fat rich guy and skinny poor guy.

From: DB Cooper , 92 months, post #11
Grappling with the idea that they are not only now attractive to men...but they might not totally mind.

From: Weirdoid , 92 months, post #12
For me I like the following.

1. Struggling with the awkwardness of a body whose movements and form does not match their instincts and conditioned responses.

2. Struggle to win back their old life regardless of body so they can truly be themselves

From: guest (EmmaFrost) , 92 months, post #13
I like how a character come to terms with his new body. Afterall, he's switching into a weaker and softer body with new body parts. The most obvious one would be the change of sexual equipment. I don't kow about others but i'd be pretty freaked about it. It's no longer an outie. Everytime you pee, you're reminded of the fact that you're different from the boys now. In addition to that, a character still being attracted to women but having no means to have straight sex with them is an aspect I find interesting. Also, being forced to follow gender norms and struggling to accept them is one of the topics I like too. For example: acting and dressing feminine for special occasions and stuff.

From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #14
I forgot to mention this but one thing I like a person to deal with is struggling with mannerisms and posture. I also like it when someone else that knows about the swap or transformation tells the person that they need to act the part i.e. if you're in a woman's body and wearing a short dress or skirt you need to cross your legs when you sit down. Another thing would be is someone telling them that they have to use the women's restroom because they are now a woman.

From: guest (Superdude) , 91 months, post #15
I like to see the swapped characters struggle with the change of their sexual preference. How in the beginning they struggle to fight it before finally accept it that they are now attracted not to the opposite gender of their original body, but to the opposite gender of their current body.

From: guest (DK) , 91 months, post #16
I would agree, Superdude. I prefer the hero to undergo that sort of inner dilemma. Too often in movies the heroes never really face it (like Tim and Sally in Turnabout), or MS Hyde in both the Hammer and the Sean Young movie (in these the inner change is instant and complete, and very uninteresting). Cleo/Leo does the inner change pretty well. But we don't get an idea what the hero in "Identity Theft" feels; her inner life seems to be avoided. In "Goodbye Charlie" and the Philippine "Lalola," the early inner change is forced by magic. Lalola does it well, but GC cops out.

It's a cliche, in this tiny genre, if two people swap with each other and then fall in love. I don't see this as logical; they would carry too much emotional baggage to make this work. I don't recall a film where the swapped girl and guy do something more logical, like getting it on with some new people. It would be a fresher idea.

From: guest (asdfghjkl7298) , 91 months, post #17
only interest is regarding sex and how the recently changed is fighting new urges before giving in and loving the new feeling. Don't care about clothes, shoes, social standing or how they pee...

From: guest (Frosty) , 91 months, post #18
I think I'm a fan of when the possessor makes changes to the host, making it so their behavior and even outlook on life is completely different after the swap.

From: guest (guest) , 91 months, post #19
If the swapped man is a "regular type" guy I think struggle with clothing is a must. Especially if they are in a position of having to dress in items totally unfamiliar to them.

Bras, hose, skirts etc. The basic fit and restrictions of these types of item would be a big adjustment to a man who has spent a lifetime in variations of easy items like jeans and t-shirts.

Walking in heels for prolonged periods would be next to impossible without a lot of practice. The shift in centre of gravity would make balancing very difficult especially initially.

Many women great least mildly irritated at having to wear a bra every day. It is a necessary evil in most cases. This would be quite greatly amplified in a swapped man. I could see it causing great annoyance depending on how well endowed the man becomes.

And lets talk about that for a minute. I think most men can happily enjoy a lovely sized chest on a girl but once the tables are turned the weight, jiggle and hinderance it causes might outweigh the appeal of being able to see boobs whenever they want.

And as mentioned before the simple act of peeing becomes a bigger ordeal. Naturally they would get used to a new routine eventually but having to go through a more involved process depending on clothing and bathroom circumstances would be very frustrating.

That's really just the tip of the iceberg too. There's a lot of situations that would be radically different. I could see being perceived differently in abilities in employment would be a struggle. As well as how men and women will view the man socially now. More emphasis put on their physical appearance. Pressure to dress a certain way or use make up would be a big change to deal with.

And ask any woman and she'll tell you periods are no joke. And that's coming from women who have experienced them for years. I think a newly changed man would have a nightmare dealing with that aspect.

From: cj , 91 months, post #20
I can't think of anything to add to this list. It's already being discussed wonderfully IMO.

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