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New wren adams vid but...
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From: cj , 91 months, post #41
I agree with no reason for people to be upset... but so far most are just venting (or trying to defend), and I believe that much of the passion is cooling now. It will get locked if that's what needs to happen, but right now the discussion is passionate, but civil. And nobody is outright attacking anyone else, just posting feelings and commenting on choices.

guest (post 40) -- drop those other suggestions / feature requests in our Suggestion Box thread, so the boss can find them. :-)

From: guest (Lisa_Lewis) , 91 months, post #42
I wish Wren luck, but she didn't seem to raise money in the past,
so it's hard to believe that she's going to do it charging for videos.

From: Lazy , 91 months, post #43
If anyone should be mad with wren it's me. i gave her free promotion and wrote caps of her and linked to her channel like she asked but she never used my script or gave me a shout out. she said she'd do both but i was just used for free promo.

From: guest (guest joe) , 91 months, post #44
Could it all be someone switched bodies with her and trying for a fast buck?

From: guest (Valkan) , 91 months, post #45
Damn you, Jumbo Daddy! Give Wren her body back!

From: Polover , 91 months, post #46
Maybe it's my age, my nationality, my culture, my city, or something else but I truly do not understand the people that are saying this thread is poisonous or vicious or insulting. It's a disapproving thread, not an angry thread. There really hasn't been any ad-hominems, certainly no threats, no curses on her name; just a lot people saying what's she's doing is wrong in different ways. I honestly don't know what kind of world you all live in where the stuff in HERE is bothering to you. Wish I could be there because I see 10x worse in my day-to-day. This is why older folks call this the "sensitive era"

From: cj , 91 months, post #47
Not this thread, per se Polover. And while I haven't seen it get vicious, it seems that Wren has more than her share of fairly vocal detractors. Warranted or not (I have no opinion), but they certainly are vocal.

As for poisonous or insulting. if some of the comments I've seen directed at her efforts, in this and recent threads, were instead directed at mine... I'd feel insulted too. If you're constantly being barraged with this type of sentiment and feedback, it could become a poisonous thing. You'd could easily go from trying harder, or different things, to avoidance, pettiness, exclusion, or exiting altogether. And I'd certainly want to insulate myself from the beating.

The way that comments are worded when they are posted makes a difference. Even I still have problems with getting the wording right. To be critical can be a fine line. If you don't word your comments correctly, they go from critical disappointment and encouraging suggestions you intend to hostile accusations and derogatory hits that are received.

Anyhow, that's my take on the ugly stuff.

Otherwise... I see a few posters simply regurgitate what they've posted previously, not just this thread, but others... as if we didn't read your post the first time. And often preaching to the choir, or "me too"ing. But that's par for the course on a public forum.

I remember back in my younger days... my own posts were more passionate and less well-worded. Back then you could be the anonymous expert on anything. I'm not sure that we're that much more sensitive, just perhaps you and I are getting older and look at these things through more experienced eyes.

Not sure if any of that is helpful to you Polover, but I hope part of it is.

From: guest (biopower) , 91 months, post #48
@Polover: I agree that parts of this thread are disapproving and not angry. It's not really part of the "sensitive era" though - that's a term that I've heard more commonly be used by the alt-right to say much uglier things. I've seen people in the alt-right use "sensitive era" as a degrading term to attack everything from feminists, trans people, rape victims, and the mentally ill. I understand that's not what you're trying to do, but it's a term that has come to mean uglier things since Trump took the spotlight.

Overall, this thread seems to be a mixed bag of people being critical as well as hostile. I hesitate to call it toxic, but it certainly has the potential to reach that level, which is why I appreciate cj's more mollifying and polite comments to help bring the discussion more towards criticism and away from hostility.

From: guest (PoloverFan) , 91 months, post #49
HI Polover,
I just wanted to let you know that you are expressing what a lot of other people are feeling, well me any way, especially in your earlier posts. I'm not familiar with the 'sensitive era' term, so I'm not going to comment on that. I was going to post something earlier on, but figured what's the point. I was never a fan of her videos, I always thought they were poorly made, with bad acting and scripts that made little to no sense, that just would end. If she want's to charge for her works, that's totally her right, but I think she handled all of this poorly. So if she is quitting making TG videos, she might as well do it like this and try to cash out. As others have said, I wouldn't watch them for free, so I'm certainly not going to pay for them.

From: guest (guest1) , 91 months, post #50
Message deleted by cj. Be polite, courteous, and respectful. Barely tangential to topic.
From: guest (Silhouette) , 91 months, post #51
All this "sensitive era" stuff is needlessly dismissive of other people's opinions and I feel seriously threatens to derail this thread away from the topic. It is funny though how the people who seem the most sensitive and upset are the ones trying to call out others for it.

Can we just get back to talking about Wren and how little she matters to our community?

From: cj , 91 months, post #52
Yes... let's back to the topic.

This thread is about Wren's videos. Please keep this thread on-topic, off-topic posts will be removed.

Thank you.

From: guest , 91 months, post #53
Yea the 98 precent of this fanatic bace enjoy wren. Also i think Wren comes hear.

From: guest (LoveContributors) , 91 months, post #54
Great comment. Wren is a contributor. There are elements here that are haters, but represent a small, mostly trolling minority. They contribute nothing, remain anonymous, and chase away those who contribute.

This isn't something just about this community. These elements are everywhere. We know some of them as neighbors or frenemies.

@Guest53, I hope Wren doesn't get impacted by this small irrelevant but very vocal set of haters. These "people" will always be there. But so will the 90%+ of the rest of us. Long live Wren!

From: guest (guest1) , 91 months, post #55
really 98%? it's always the same people defending her ...How low are your expectations for videos? I hope she clues into to the fact no one will pay for avg at best videos...Do a lot of content providers add prices for their videos? Or do they benefit from views and ads...Maybe there is a huge youtube channel I don't know of charging more then a dollar a minute for home made videos. that is kicking ass!
She thinks she has a genre she can profit off of because of certain peoples desperation for something new...otherwise all her vids would be pay per view

From: guest (guest1) , 91 months, post #56
I'm wrong about the dollar a apologies

From: guest , 91 months, post #57
Can't say I'm super surprised by this. Do her videos also all label themselves as bodyswap when many of them were possessions? That always bugged me about her titles

From: guest (Tomato) , 91 months, post #58
It sucks her old videos are now walled off, but I don't think it really matters for the new content if it continues to be how it's been lately. She hasn't really appeared in a non-card opening video in over 6 months, it is mostly just her friends. (And to be honest the only videos she's done that weren't mediocre to middling are the ones with James and Mako). Her appeal to me was in her curvy look and being cute, not in the plot and acting so when they removed that from her stuff I found the videos quite skipable.

From: guest (That Guy) , 83 months, post #59
Hey hey hey, anything recent? Like, has anything of consequence resulted from Wren's paywall? Has she even put out any new videos that are paylocked, or is it just all of her old stuff?

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 83 months, post #60
I can smell a flamewar being stirred up again... dont now why...

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