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Deleted my copies of my works
From: dis_guise , 92 months, post #1
I've deleted my copies of my stories, both those I've published on line and those I haven't (mostly incomplete). I've also deleted my copies of the artwork I commissioned on deviantART. I know that blackshirtboy has removed my commissions from his gallery there; some by other artists are still around, last I checked.

They're gone: I've been sloppy about keeping backups and I don't think that I have any. They say that nothing published on line is ever lost, but I suspect that most of this is.

Probably I will regret having done this. I'm a bit dazed: I've just thrown out a good chunk of my life.

From: cj , 92 months, post #2
"Probably I will regret having done this... I've just thrown out a good chunk of my life."

Probably. But I don't think that any of us will ever make it through life without having done (or not done) at least one thing, only to later regret our decision.

I've looked into my own stories, fantasies, and imagining... even my thoughts on news events, and I can see the darkness that lurks in the shadows in my mind. As long as I can keep my head about me, those dark thoughts will remain in the shadows. So I know where you were coming from when you decided to pull your creations (and commissions) from the interwebs.

I only pulled some of mine due to FM being hosted where the laws are a bit more strict than here in the US. Otherwise, while I may not be proud of my work, I'm not really ashamed of it either. My regrets are life choices and failure to commit for whatever reasons... and the effects of them causing me to feel as if I've wasted a huge chunk (15+ years) of my life. I'd love to go back in time and get those "wasted" years back, be able to enjoy them... but that's not going to happen. The best I can do at this point is try to fix the damage while making the best of things... and try to get close to where I want to be in life.

I hope that you're able to do the same.

I'd offer to send you your old stories, but I'm not sure if I've saved them, I'm still looking for Cleo Kraft's old stories too. I have dozens of old hard drives with stuff on them, and finding the time to go through them... not easy. Still, I'll see what I can find when I look for Cleo's stuff.

From: guest (vup) , 92 months, post #3
Have you tried the way back machine? Doesn't always work but it's worth a try.

From: dis_guise , 92 months, post #4
Ah. Almost no interest. I think I did the right thing, but only because I've prevented myself wallowing in my own works.

I thought that once you posted something on line it was there forever, but it seems that that isn't always true -- a few quick searches show that most of this stuff is gone.

From: Holly Dunn , 92 months, post #5
I almost posted minutes after your first post. I feel so bad for you and it is a fear that one day that will happen to me.

Maybe if some people corresponded with you, you can ask some of them if they saved your works. That would be my only suggestion other than going to a data recovery expert, and you may not want to do that due to your anonymity. Wow, I wish I had another suggestion for you. I think others haven't posted for the same reasons I didn't initially.

Gosh, I feel for you, dis_guise.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 92 months, post #6
What happened? Why did you delete everything?

From: dis_guise , 92 months, post #7
Trying to break a habit I'm tired of. So far I'm doing okay.

It may make little difference.

I probably shouldn't have announced it.

From: guest (Lisa_Lewis) , 92 months, post #8
I tried doing something similar to this once, it doesn't work.
You eventually realize that you are what you are.

From: guest (penguinattack) , 92 months, post #9
I've often thought about packing up, and quitting. I might do it in the end cause I feel like my stories are absolute gutter trash.

From: guest (Protect_Prolive_Stories) , 92 months, post #10
@dis_guise, @penguinattack

People, stop it! Stop torturing your fans. As @Lisa_Lewis points out, we all are what we are. Stop torturing your selves and embrace. YES, there are massive obstacles that life is putting in the way. Just look at the news and see what happens to so many people that don't even have a choice beyond certain death.

Please instead revel in your gifts, put it out there. You have made a difference! And you can decide what to do next.

Will you make a difference to the community, or will you be known otherwise...?

Either way, please dig in deep and make the decision that is YOU.


From: guest (dee) , 92 months, post #11
You're already regretting this by making this post instead of just moving forward and looking back on it.It's only gonna get worse if you keep thinking and talking about it.

From: cj , 92 months, post #12
I think pulling his content was part of dis_guise's being himself. If you suddenly feel that you're feeding the darkness in others, and you don't want to be that person - then you need to do what you can to remedy the situation. And a change of heart or perspective, and things can and do sometimes change.

I'm just glad that he's back... even if just here and being a bit down... but active... active and engaging is good.

From: guest (Alf) , 92 months, post #13
Maybe so, but that "darkness" would be there regardless. The concepts he thought up are/were not unique, there have been tons of variations of them in the past, so he should not feel any guilt or believe that he is feeding anyone's supposed darkness (if that IS the case) because those ideas were there in the first place for some people, myself included.

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