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Why did Steve in Switch dress provocatively?
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From: guest (Tirem44) , 92 months, post #21
First question for Air Gear. You seem to be saying the Eva Adams pilot is somewhere on the net. Where can we look for it? I'd like to see if it was as bad as the people who read the pilot script say it is. (I hope it is terrible, or else I'll be mad that American sponsors are so immature that they were afraid of the harmless subject matter. But people should also be mad that Sony (who was handling the English language rights) because they either couldn't sell (or didn't much care about selling) the Lalola rights to some other American company. (HBO could use it; I can't think of one series they've produced except Game of Thrones worth watching).

I wasn't impressed with SWITCH in the theaters, either. By that time Blake Edwards seems to have become a burnout. He not only didn't understand women, he didn't even seem to understand men.

I haven't a clue why Steve/Amanda compulsively wears ultra-sexy dresses. That didn't seem to be a part of his curse. But at least it gives a watcher something to hold his attention with the plot and characters being so awful.

I'd say Switch is a good idea with a bad development. Someone above wonders why no Switch sequel was ever made. Well, Switch itself was a remake of Goodbye Charlie (Edwards admitted that in an article). But I liked GC better. The mental change comes a little too quickly, but it gives Charlie a real experience of being a girl. The timid ending is uncalled for. The Broadway play wasn't so cowardly. The movie puts in a death scene just when Charlie begins to show a little heart (something that Steve never does). If Charlie had lived, she could have attained wisdom and redemption. Steve/Amanda always seems to be an outsider looking in, and never gains any useful insights.

But as for a SWITCH remake, well, there is one, and its ambition and development are everything that one can hope for, LALOLA; Lola becomes the woman we would have liked Amanda and Charlie become. How close LALOLA is to Switch is largely unnoticed because of the language barriers that keeps English speakers from appreciating any of the Lalola series. It is so clear that the motifs of the first couple episodes of Lalola are borrowed from Switch. Even (the Argentinian) Lola's mostly-red first-day-at-the-office dress reminds us of Amanda's. It's well written, well characterized, and well acted. At 150 episodes (7 years of material if it had been a full 21 episode yearly series instead of a daily serial), it turns the basic ideas of Switch into a tour de force. And it doesn't have the downer endings that ruin both GC and Switch.

BTW, at YouTube "Lalolaenglish" has 28 episodes of the Argentinian Lalola up, all with decent English subtitles. That's more than anyone else has.

There have been few big studio tg movies. Turnabout (1939), Goodbye Charlie (1964) and Switch (1991). That seems to be a cycle of 20-25 years between each. This is the 25th year since Switch. (Of the small movies, I like Cleo-Leo and Identity Theft best.) The only promising-sounding new one I hear is coming up is (Re)Assignment.

From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #22
I think Switch is a movie where you're like "well this isn't that good but hey there's really not much of an alternative". You can also say that another reason why people watch Switch or watched is for Ellen Barkin's body. You have to admit when she was in her prime, she had a gorgeous body. And since she's playing a man in a beautiful woman's body, there's going to be an emphasis even more on the butt, legs, and cleavage.

From: guest (guessed) , 92 months, post #23
I remember reading a review published at the time the movie was released. It might have been Roger Ebert. Some one famous enough that I read the review long after the movie was available on disc. IIRC, the explanation offered in the review was the Amanda was dressing the way Steve thought women dressed, the way he would dress a girlfriend. It makes a ind of sense; he was a thoughtless, sexist boor who valued women only as sexual conquest, he simply lacked the ability to see women than other as sex objects even when embodied as a woman.

Of course, contrast this wth the scene where Amanda gets her hair cut in man's style and a much better explanation is that the movie is a badly executed riff on Goodby Charlie, updated in a way that made it instantly dated.

From: guest (Bud) , 92 months, post #24
Maybe Steve dressed provocatively to punish himself subconsciously or to make people believe he was a hot babe.

From: guest (BillCipher) , 92 months, post #25
to Tirem44,

from what i read about an interview with Nathan Brooks (Sam) he claimed that Switch was too mean spirited and that Sam was suppose to be a more light-hearted version. I remember seeing switch and didn't really care for it, but Sam, just from the trailers, caught my attention and i want to give it a chance to see if it can beat Switch and Good-bye charlie.

But i agree, Switch wasn't a strong movie in terms of it's execution, it was fan service and the main character wasn't even likable.

From: guest (Captain Gallant) , 91 months, post #26
Well, a main character doesn't have to start out likeable. Regina (the Evil Queen) starts out unlikable and in the 6th season is very likeable. If the story is a story of moral regeneration, starting out bad is not a bad thing. But it fails to please (with most viewers) if a jerk of a character stays a jerk to the bitter end, as in Switch. What's the point of it all? What was Edwards trying to say? He ended up saying nothing. Goodbye Charlie, in contrast, had Charlie beginning a moral regeneration; she could have become very likeable. But the cowardice of the writers killed her off instead of setting her up to live a new life with an improved outlook. The George Axelrod play had Charlie surviving and changing for the better. It seems like the development process of the idea went progressively backwards over the 30-some years. But the idea was well rescued by LALOLA, though, with the lack of subtitles, one can only understand it faintly. (There should have been no problem for India and Philippines to have English subs; they have had extensive exposure to English speakers and should be interested in selling to their trading partners.)

Oh, and why should Steve dress provocatively? He didn't seem to embarrass easily. It may have been that he had an egotistical and showoff personality. Maybe he had a compulsion to attract attention and admiration wherever he went. He was probably dressing the way that he enjoyed seeing women dressed. Having bad taste, he dressed in bad taste. (Bad, but not uncinematic. Honestly, Miss Barkin's wardrobe is about the only good reason to watch that movie twice.)

From: guest (Bud) , 91 months, post #27
I hated the white panties that Steve wore as Amanda. Just seemed like lazy and convenient for him to wear them. I know he wore the black boyshorts that Margo wore when she killed Steve but still I would have loved to see Amanda struggle with a black or red lace thong or something or perhaps a bustier and panties with garter belts and thigh highs.

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